Minutes of feedthrough meeting of 16 December 2003. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Present: Pof, PB, ML, MarkL, FH *) The inventory of parts left over from feedthrough construction is nearly complete. Parts will be organized into three categories: 1) definitely good, 2) definitely NOT good, and 3) possibly good, but requires further testing. The parts will be consolidated as much as possible, and stored on the existing shelving at the SE corner of the ft lab along with the electrical testing apparatus. The IBM laptop will also be stored along with the test apparatus. The shelves will be covered with a plastic sheet to prevent the parts being pilfered. The spare parts should be kept available for possible use for feedthrough repair at least until both endcaps are lowered into the pit and shown to be operational. We have enough spare parts to build one Standard or one Special feedthrough. *) The ft leak check station can be considered to be a general purpose apparatus and should remain intact until the endcaps are lowered into the pit and shown to be operational. This does not preclude the leak check station from being used for other purposes. *) The three crates of apparatus used at CERN for reception and post-weld testing arrived back at UVIC on Wednesday 17 Dec. *) All relevant data in the MS Access feedthrough database should be dumped to flat file so there is no danger of not being able to read the data when MS Access is no longer supported. The unix web pages which access the feedthrough data will be modified to read the flat file, rather than the MS Access database. All test data which are kept in tarball (.tar.gz) format and accessed by the feedthrough web pages to display test pulses should be backed up on DVD. *) The Balzers HLT 160 leak checker is kaput again. The error message displayed by the leak checker will be investigated by PB when time permits. *) There was a short discussion of the feedthrough paper to be written in cooperation with the BNL group. The goal is to have a first draft completed by the end of January.