Feedthrough Meeting 27/06/97 present: P. Birney, T. Hodges, R. Langstaff, M. Lefebvre, P. Poffenberger - News from BNL Terry talked to David Rahm. - They have received 20 pin carriers (out of the 54 ordered) and one was found to leak. The failure occured after 3 cold cycles, and is composed of many leaks, not just one pin. We should expect to be billed early. BNL has no money, so they are keen for us to pay our 20 pin carriers early. - Bellows are late a few weeks. - Terry has been in contact with Morley O'Neill at CRPP concerning the machining of the flanges. There seems to be no problem in getting the material certified. But David Rahm realised that holes needed to manipulate the flanges were not included in the drawings. Rahm to communicate directly with Morley on this issue, which will delay the delivery of the flanges to BNL. - Terry mentioned that he had performed FEA analysis of the temperature of the flange+pins with the heating resistors on. Looks like all the pins can be kept above 15C for heaters slightly over room temperature. - Pof on RGA based leak tester parts Pof presented an update of the design of the RGA leak tester. Costing of all parts is well advanced. Pof to produce in an email - a list of parts (with cost) that should be ordered now to get started (RGA and one leak tester); - a list of the remaining parts that can be ordered as soon as I get a green light from the MOU (we have practically committed all the $103k that we have been alocated before the MOU is signed: Bob Orr expects this to go ahead before July 18th). - a quote plus info for the Leybold dry leak tester. - Paul on testing ideas Paul presented (great) ideas on the various testing setups that we will need. Michel will make sure Paul's sketches are distributed next week to get people thinking. - Schedule discussions Michel sought inputs on scheduling issue for the project. Very useful comments were made by Roy, as well as all the others! Michel will do his best to include these ideas in a first rough draft of a project planning. In particular, by late October, all drawings in hand and understood; before Xmax, produce various parts in house before Xmas, contacting companies for the manufacturing of the flanges the manufacturing of the funnel welding February 98, tendering for these parts Michel to contact Paul next week to come up with a plan for the test setups (they need to be operational by July 1st 1998). Note added: Terry and Michel met with George Smith and George Stenning of Purchasing Services. They now know who we are and what we are up to. It was an enjoyable an very useful meeting. Things will be setup with regards to tax exemption for re-export. We can go ahead with the pigtail order to Orsay, Michel to request a quote from Orsay [done] and the rest is straightforward. Smith to find out about the exact rules for tax exemption (C. Oram did mention to us that some items USED to produce parts for export could fall into this category). It was mentioned that they may wish to contact S. reeves at TRIUMF for info.