HEC-EMEC combined beam test

A beam test combining endcap hadronic calorimeter modules and endcap electromagnetic calorimeter modules took place during August and September 2002. This page contains various information regarding the Athena based software needed to analyse and monitor the data collected.
HEC-EMEC beam test info
Web page setup during data taking!!
Athena and HEC tutorial held at CERN on 12 October 2001.
TBRootAna is a ROOT derived software package for the analysis of HEC (and soon HEC-EMEC) NTuples produced via the ATLAS Athena software framework.
Talks presented at CERN and elsewhere, on the athena developments of the HEC and HEC-EMEC beam test software by members of our group.
HEC-EMEC photos
Photos of the combined HEC-EMEC calorimeters obtained from the Max-Planck-Institute HEC-EMEC photo web page
Internal UVic group

The fortran HEC specific code hec_adc can be accessed through the hec_adc page.