Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Wednesday, July 2 2003

(present: IG, TI, NK, LK, TS, ML, MF)

Michel pointed out that TBRootAna should soon be in a stable state and not change very much.
The most recent update to TBRootAna involves the geometry service. Ian showed some slides, where the cells are displayed in the Testbeam coordinate system. For the HEC, If there are two families of cells in a layer (as is the case for layer 2 and 3) the middle Z of the first family is used, hence rendering the usual first family readout pad structure for position of the display.
Further improvement will allow the display to be called many times per run. The scales for the displayed deposited energy are free running at the moment, but options could be built in that would make it possible to have the same energy scale for all EMEC layers and all HEC layers or to display the same (fixed) scale for both HEC and EMEC. A 3-d geometry display also exists, but has been proven to be of little use so far as it is too hard to see what is going on in 3-d.
TBRootAna will have to be modified to accommodate the new Ntuple structure. For updates on that Ian advises us to look at the doxygen pages on his web-site.

Naoko pointed out that the next release (6.4.0) will be coming out next week. It will contain the new Ntuple structure and new jobOption files (which will no longer have the bookkeeping service).

Ntuple production
Naoko will commence on the Ntuple production and put the root files and log files for the NEW Ntuples into:
The Ntuples with the old structure are located in:

Status Reports
Tamara is working on reproducing Hendrik Bartko's analysis. She has extracted the HEC and EMEC energies (in nA and GeV) and the combined: E=E(emec) + x*E(hec) . She has produced plots of the resolution as a function of x. She is now studying the way Manuella choses cells to form a cluster, as she presented during the past LArg week.
Michel pointed out that the steps following this should be: a) trying to see whether a HV correction should be applied, b) see what effect noise-cuts have, c) study hadronic weights.
For the HEC, HV corrections have to be done if they are necessary as a results of eg. disconnected gaps. For the EMEC, HV corrections are a feature in the sense that in the HV required for a constant eta-response would have to change uniformly with eta, but in reality is approximated by 7 distinct HV settings (in the first wheel) for different eta-regions. So, to get a uniform response in the EMEC, an eta-dependent HV correction has to be applied.
Michel also pointed out as a not-to-be-forgotten aside: In the HEC, the nA-values of the second wheel have to be multiplied by 2 to get the correct answer for hadronic shower energy reconstruction!

Tayfun Tayfun is presently looking at the EMEC only. He is studying the pedestal noise and rms of cells that have signal in it and compares them with cell that don't see a signal. He is applying the calibration to get the pedestal in nA. He also looked at eta-phi plots and compared them with the beam chamber information for a possible signal reconstruction.

Naoko is looking at the HV corrections (there is a problem in layer 2 of the HEC). She is comparing simulation with data and tries to reproduce Sven's latest correction function results.
She also points out that ROOT Ntuples of the MC data have been done. She took those Ntuples and modified them to have the same structure as our new Ntuples, so they can be studied using TBRootAna.