Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Wednesday, June 25 2003

(present: IG, TI, NK, LK, TS)

Ian showed the available functionalities of the geometry service. Event display and updated TBRootAna for the new ntuple format (with the proposed format for the beam chamber information) will be available in a couple of days.

Next release is 6.4.0 (deadline is July 9th).

ntuple production
Ntuple with new format are in the temporary repository: /net/rd5/scratch/atlas_tb/tmp/root Naoko mentions that if the data look reasonable, then mass production can start soon.

High Voltage problem
There are two kinds of HV correction, cell level (well-known) corrections and cluster level (studied with G4 simulation by Sven and Hendrik) corrections. Naoko mentions that the required correction factors are available from the current studies. For more details, see Naoko's slides

Status Report
Tamara has produced some energy distributions and is comparing them with Hendrik's results presented at the April 2003 LAr week. There are still some differences and more work is required to understand them. However, she made a good progress.
Tayfun sees data with no signal, and compares his noise results with pedestal rms. He will also look at what has been done by Manuella on noise.