Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, August 13 2004
(present: TH, WS, MF, RK, IG)

Tamara finished her cluster density weighting scheme analysis. She is now looking at how much energy is leaking out of the cluster and how this leakage affects the cluster energy. She won't be able to attend next week's testbeam meeting, but will give us a short summary presentation on her analysis the week after (Aug.27). Apart from that, she has produced an outline for her thesis.

Warren looked into Python and scouted out some related web-sites. (he found python.org very useful). He wrote up some python notes and he also printed out notes from Wim Lavrijsen's web-site. Warren was really impressed by how powerful Python is. It allows the user to run Athena interactively, and there is even an interface to ROOT (PyRoot)! As to trying out the monitoring program - he has sent an email to people at CERN and learned that Monika and Peter Loch are working on fixing the code.

Margret and Ian are in progress of figuring out how to tackle the re-write of the LArG4TBEmecHec package. They will have to produce a time-line as to what needs to be done and by when they think they can do it. Also the experts concerned with these developments will have to be contacted and Margret should request time to give a presentation on our endeavour when she is at CERN in September.