Is in the process of preparing his slides for the WRNPPC.
He hasn't found out why some of the runs he is looking
at have really high rejection rate, but is continuing to look
for clues. Margret suggested to determine and list the number of events
that were rejected with each requirement/cut.
continues to look at the new EMEC timing for her hadron events.
She want to look at some runs that Naoko said were `good', but
she keeps running into programming problems that are filling her
histograms with crazy large numbers and are crashing her
ROOT session. Tayfun said that this might get fixed if Tamara
puts in protection against floating point maximums - in the new code,
some channels are set to these crazy numbers if their timing is not
Aside from this, Tamara is also working on her abstract and presentation
for the WRNPPC and on preparations for the upcoming Larg week.
She will have a telephone conference with Michel this coming Wednesday.
has now figured out how to plot a Geant event up close, how to
display the tracks and how to insert some simple material into
the setup. She showed pictures of a 10GeV e+ event with and without
a slab of iron in front of the cryostat.
She also received an email from Pavol, w.r.t. left-right position
problem. This needs a little more discussion with Pavol, to
truly resolve it.
What Margret forgot to say in the meeting but would like to add to the
minutes is that Ashok is busily working on installing the
G4 testbeam code on mercury now.