Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, June 11 2004
(present: TI, TH, MF, IG, (AA), ML)

Ian has mirrored the LArG4/LArG4TB code CERN cvs repository here at UVic. Margret has talked to Michel about intentions for code-development (implementing HitCollections analogous to LArG4 in LArG4TB). Michel will sound out at CERN what the experts have to say to that idea and who the experts are that we need to stay in touch with. Michel also pointed out that we should keep in mind that eventually the code will have to work in the Athena environment.

Ashok reported that the state of the computers is becoming more stable now. He is about to start looking into running Athena Atlas Simulation jobs in preparation for a more serious production starting this summer. He feels that looking into running LArG4Sim (ie. LArG4 in Athena) will fall right on the line of work he is doing already, so he is planning to scout that out, so that it will be an easy step to switch from stand-alone mode to Athena, when that becomes desirable in the future.

Tamara showed plots of the resolution and response obtained by using the topological clustering algorithm and clusters of fixed size (in comparison). Some of the pi+ runs were heavily contaminated with protons, but several of them could be cleaned up by taking into account information from the CEDARs. Tamara has used the cleaned up sets and now her results look much better. She also found that she had to apply a correction factor of 4/3 to the second layer of the HEC for all runs above 13061 (due to a disconnected HV gap).

Tayfun Showed several plots to illustrate the odd problem he found with his 148 GeV data. after some discussion Michel tracked down the effect to discretization due to the beam hitting at a point between two cells and a small chosen cluster size. Michel suggested to pick the most likely seed cell as a fixed reference cell and do the same plots for that.
Michel asked Tayfun to give him the geometry file with the final corrections.