reported that running LArG4 in Athena still gives a segmentation fault.
Margret mentioned that an email to the LAr software community recently
informed us that this is suspected to have to do with a bug in Geant4.
We might have to wait and see what happens in that point.
followed the suggestions he got from Michel last week (he fixed the
most likely seed cell and regenerated the plots).
He finds that the double peak blurs into one peak and the resolution gets
slightly worse, as expected. This is the case for both, the fixed clusters as well
as the topological cluster algorithm.
Tayfun is now concentrating on writing his thesis again.
looked at the noise contribution to the topological cluster algorithm and
finds that it is very low, particularly at low energy. She also looked at
the intrinsic resolution, and finds that for high energies the fixed clusters
and the topological cluster algorithm perform equally well, while
at lower energies the intrinsic resolution is a little larger for the
topological clusters.
Tamara also showed plots of the response (Emeas/Ebeam) for both clusters:
For fixed clusters the response is slightly higher. At low energy, the
response of the topological clusters is substantially smaller than that
of the fixed clusters. Tamara will look into modifying the threshold cuts to
see whether the response can be improved a little there. After that, she will
get herself up to speed again with Minuit.
Margret and Ian
are evaluating a course of action for implementing Calibration Hits into LArG4TB.
Ian is studying up on some Geant4 knowledge, while Margret is preparing an
outline of the parallels between LArG4 and LArG4TB.