reported that LArG4 is still not running in Athena due to
a bug in Geant, but Ashok is in the loop in the developments there.
Ashok also told us that it is now possible to mount a mercury disk on fate-3!
This means that jobs can run on the fate and read data from mercury.
Dominique is currently testing this out, but if anybody else would
like to try it - Ashok would welcome any feedback.
is cleaning up her analysis at the moment. She showed various
plots which compare results obtained with a topological
clustering algorithm and 2 types of fixed clusters ( (2,3,4) and (0,2,4)
cutoff, where the numbers refer to the thresholds required for the
cells, neighbour-cells and seed-cells.)
Tamara finds that at low energies the (0,2,4) fixed cluster resolution is
slightly better and the response slightly higher than for the
other clusters. However, the noise is also much higher.
Tamara started to look at the non-Gaussian tails of the energy distributions.
She kept track of the percentage of events that lies outside and inside
the 2 sigma fitting rage of the energy peak.
She finds that all algorithms perform very similarly.
The next thing on her list is to compare the resolution obtained with the
different cluster algorithms for fits without any weight on the EMEC.
There are 2 things to look at:
a) add EMEC and HEC energies without applying any weights and
b) apply a weight for the HEC, but non for the EMEC.
is busy with thesis-writing.
has spent some time reading Geant4 documentation and
Margret has started to modify the LArG4TB code such that it includes
CalibrationHits. She managed to implement CalibrationHitsCollections,
and she can access them, but so far they don't make sense.
She will see what is missing or needs to be fixed for things to work out.
Next week
The Friday meeting will be canceled to allow people to make full use
of the long weekend, if they wish to do so. If there are any news,
we'll have an informal meeting earlier in the week.