Minutes of the UVic Testbeam meeting held Friday, may 28 2004
(present: TI, MF, ML, IG, RK, AA, AA';
Tamara had to go to the hospital for surgery - We all wish her a good and speedy recovery!)
reported that he gave the first chapter of his thesis to Richard
and has stopped writing for the moment in order to produce his
final plots. He is very close to wrapping that up, and then he will be
writing again. Richard and Tayfun will be discussing the final
plots next Monday.
told us that the most recent news from the currently running testbeam
are summarized in a very informative
by John Rutherfoord.
The monitoring is moving ahead at a very fast pace. Michel and
Warren were able to make contributions, and Warren has become
a valuable member of the team at Cern. So far, no raw data has been
looked at in Athena, but Michel suspects that that will happen within
the next few days.
Has written up a little
status report on the LArG4(TB) work at UVic.
Michel suggested that the best way to be actually make contributions to the
LArG4 code would be to continuously stay in touch with the LArG4 people by email,
so as not to end up in a dead-end development.
Richard suggested to send an email with our plan of what we want to do to
the group of key players in LArG4/LArG4TB. Margret will compose an email during
the coming week. Michel will be at the June LArg week and would be able
to help network a little there, should that be necessary.
pointed out that Ashok is very busy at the moment, learning things from Jan.
told us that the key package from which the simulations are run in Athena
is LArG4(TB)Sim and not LArG4(TB)App, which was the package that steered the
stand-alone version. He said that there will be a different cmt version soon,
which will make it much easier to include symlinks in the distribution of the code.
There is now a real push to move from stand-alone to Athena.
Michel wanted to know whether it would be possible to look at a real testbeam
data-file with Athena running at UVic. Ashok says that if it can be done at Cern,
he sees no reason why it couldn't be done here.