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package TBRootAna

This package contains classes for manipulating the Hec Test beam NTuple Data using ROOT. The package will produce an executable which can be run to perform the analysis that you want.

UserAlg: The Starting point

UserAlg is where you need to make your changes to run an analysis you design.

Data Classes

These classes provide you, the user, with access to all the data contained in the NTuple.

System Algorithm Classes

These sub classes can be run to do various different things with the data for you. You can load/run these algorithms from within your UserAlg

Release Notes

/** @file release.notes
  * pacakage TBRootAna
  * package manager: Ian Gable
  * v0r14: 18-jul-03 IG A bug fix release. Some updates done to the 2D display.
  * v0r14: 16-jul-03 IG New Features: 2D color displays for hec and emec 
  *                     completed and debugged, methods for computing the 
  *                     real geometrical center and volume of the cells in
  *                     the hec and emec are available, a new algorithm
  *                     CalibrationAlg added to go from ADC to nA from within
  *                     TBRootAna. 
  * v0r13: 04-jul-03 IG Geometry service has reached a level significant 
  *                     maturity. New Features: transformation from detector
  *                     local to nominal test beam coordinate systems, nearest
  *                     neighbors to a point, simple 3D display of the whole
  *                     combined test beam setup, color 2D histograms of the
  *                     Hec and Emec (Emec still needs work) 
  * v0r12: 11-jun-03 IG First 'level zero' implementation of the geometry 
  *                     service for 2002. Now possible to do basic access of 
  *                     all the local detector coordinates for each one of the 
  *                     detectors. The old HecGeometry class was renamed 
  *                     Geometry as a result.
  * v0r11: 04-jun-03 IG Many bug fixes and general cleanup of the code. 
  *                     Several serious bugs were fixed.
  * v0r10: 22-may-03 IG First version that works with 2002 test beam data.
  *                     This is a very preliminary version and most certainly
  *                     contains many serious bugs.
  * v0r9:  14-may-03 IG Move to gcc 3.2.3 and Autoconf/Automake as the main 
  *                     tools for building. Still using 2001 test beam data.
  *                     Also note that the mention of this tag is actually
  *                     missing with v0r9 tagged version.
  * v0r8:  07-may-03 IG First modifications to move the code from dragon
  *                     to the fate machines. There were some downgrades
  *                     to string stream and some other unheathy 
  *                     modifications to the code. In addition there is
  *                     some small changes to the documentation.
  * v0r7:  06-may-03 IG The version tagged before development of for the 
  *                     2002 data. It may have bugs and other problems.
  * v0r6:  23-jul-02 IG A host of improvements made to both the 
  *                     PlotAllCellsAlg and HecClusterBuildAlg made by both
  *                     Tayfun and Tamara.
  * v0r5:  17-jun-02 IG Now possible to do batch processing via the command 
                        line. Much improved System algorithms.
  * v0r4:  10-jun-02 IG Bug fixes
  * v0r3:  06-jun-02 IG Added the SystemAlg super class to all UserAlg style
                        Classes. Now multiple algorithms can be run from
  * v0r2:  04-jun-02 IG Version right before the introduction of inheritance
  * v0r1:  28-may-02 IG Updated HecEvent to deal with the trigger array
  * v0r0:  17-may-02 IG Initial import of the first working version

Reference Document

See UVic Hec webpage.

Generated on Fri Aug 15 10:52:04 2003 for TBRootAna by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002