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00002 #ifndef  NOISEALG_H
00003 #define NOISEALG_H
00005 //#include "HecRunHeader2001v0.h"
00006 #include "Headers.h"
00007 //#include "HecEvent.h"
00008 #include "Event.h"
00009 #include "Geometry.h"
00010 #include "SystemAlg.h"
00011 #include "TBID.h"
00012 #include "CalibrationAlg.h"
00014 #include "TH1.h"
00015 #include "TF1.h"
00017 #include <string>
00018 #include <map>
00020 using std::string;
00021 using std::map;
00023 /*! -Class:   NoiseAlg
00024   - Author:   Michel Lefebvre
00025   - Date:     21/7/2003
00026   - Description: NoiseAlg is a systemAlg that deal with digital filtering channel noise (nA)
00027     1- Compute an estimate of the noise (nA) of each channel given a run number and store
00028        the results in a file (one per detector);
00029     or
00030     2- Read noise file(s) for user access to noise (nA) values.
00031   */
00032 class NoiseAlg : public SystemAlg {
00033 public:
00035   /** The user should never need to use this contructor
00036     * @param event A pointer in the event. Information contained in the event
00037     *                             gets refreshed before the execute method is run
00038     * @param hecGeom Pointer to the singleton Geometry object
00039     * @param runHeader Pointer to the singleton HecRunHeader object
00040     */
00042   NoiseAlg(Event* event, Geometry* hecGeom, Headers* runHeader);
00044   ~NoiseAlg();
00046   //! Gets run once at the begining of the event Loop
00047   bool initialize();
00049   //! Gets run for every event
00050   bool execute();
00052   //! Gets run after all events have been executed
00053   bool finalize();
00055   //################################
00056   // hec public methods
00058   /** Enable the computation of noise for the hec
00059     * @param calibFileName Name of calibration coefficient file 
00060     */
00061   void hecEnable(string calibFileName);
00063   /** Set the print level for noise computation for the hec
00064     * 0 minimum
00065     * 1 print noise results (default)
00066     * 2 above and print the mean sigma/pedrms values
00067     * 3 above and print +/- 2 sigma fit results
00068     * 4 above and print first gaussian fit result
00069     * @param level Print level
00070     */
00071   void hecPrintLevel(int level){m_hecPrintLevel = level;};
00073   /** Set the hec noise result file name
00074     * @param noiseFileName the name of the noise file
00075     */
00076   void hecNoiseFileName(string noiseFileName){m_hecNoiseFileName = noiseFileName;};
00078   /** Get the febno keyed hec noise (nA) map
00079     * The map contains entries for all connected channels
00080     * if the noise could not be obtained for a channel, the map contains 0.
00081     */
00082   map<int, float> hecNoiseMap(){return m_hecNoiseMap;};
00084   /** Get the hec noise (nA)
00085     * If the noise could not be obtained, 0 is returned.
00086     * @param febno channel febno
00087     */
00088   float hecNoise(int febno);
00090   /** Get the febno keyed hec noise error estimate (nA) map
00091     * The map contains entries for all connected channels
00092     * if the noise could not be obtained for a channel, the map contains 0.
00093     */
00094   map<int, float> hecNoiseErrorMap(){return m_hecNoiseErrorMap;};
00096   /** Get the hec noise error estimate (nA)
00097     * If the noise could not be obtained, 0 is returned.
00098     * @param febno channel febno
00099     */
00100   float hecNoiseError(int febno);
00102   /** Get the febno keyed hec noise status word map
00103     * The map contains entries for all connected channels
00104     * status == 0  the noise was obtained directly from the channel
00105     * status != 0  the noise was obtained from the ped rms of the channel
00106     *              and the noise/pedrms of other channels
00107     */
00108   map<int, int> hecNoiseStatusMap(){return m_hecNoiseStatusMap;};
00110   /** Get the hec noise status word (see hecNoiseStatusMap)
00111     * @param febno channel febno
00112     */
00113   int hecNoiseStatus(int febno);
00115   /** Read a hec noise file
00116     * If no noise file name is given, then the file is assumed to be
00117     * hec_nnnnn_noise.dat
00118     * @param noiseFileName the name of the noise file
00119     */
00120   void hecReadNoiseFile(string noiseFileName = "");
00122   //! Print hec noise data
00123   void hecPrintNoise();
00126   //################################
00127   // emec public methods
00129   /** Enable the computation of noise for the emec
00130     * @param calibFileName Name of calibration coefficient file 
00131     */
00132   void emecEnable(string calibFileName);
00134   /** Set the print level for noise computation for the emec
00135     * 0 minimum
00136     * 1 print noise results (default)
00137     * 2 above and print the mean sigma/pedrms values
00138     * 3 above and print +/- 2 sigma fit results
00139     * 4 above and print first gaussian fit result
00140     * @param level Print level
00141     */
00142   void emecPrintLevel(int level){m_emecPrintLevel = level;};
00144   /** Set the emec noise result file name
00145     * @param noiseFileName the name of the noise file
00146     */
00147   void emecNoiseFileName(string noiseFileName){m_emecNoiseFileName = noiseFileName;};
00149   /** Get the febno keyed emec noise (nA) map
00150     * The map contains entries for all connected channels
00151     * if the noise could not be obtained for a channel, the map contains 0.
00152     */
00153   map<int, float> emecNoiseMap(){return m_emecNoiseMap;};
00155   /** Get the emec noise (nA)
00156     * If the noise could not be obtained, 0 is returned.
00157     * @param febno channel febno
00158     */
00159   float emecNoise(int febno);
00161   /** Get the febno keyed emec noise error estimate (nA) map
00162     * The map contains entries for all connected channels
00163     * if the noise could not be obtained for a channel, the map contains 0.
00164     */
00165   map<int, float> emecNoiseErrorMap(){return m_emecNoiseErrorMap;};
00167   /** Get the emec noise error estimate (nA)
00168     * If the noise could not be obtained, 0 is returned.
00169     * @param febno channel febno
00170     */
00171   float emecNoiseError(int febno);
00173   /** Get the febno keyed emec noise status word map
00174     * The map contains entries for all connected channels
00175     * status == 0  the noise was obtained directly from the channel
00176     * status != 0  the noise was obtained from the ped rms of the channel
00177     */
00178   map<int, int> emecNoiseStatusMap(){return m_emecNoiseStatusMap;};
00180   /** Get the emec noise status word (see emecNoiseStatusMap)
00181     * @param febno channel febno
00182     */
00183   int emecNoiseStatus(int febno);
00185   /** Read a emec noise file
00186     * If no noise file name is given, then assume the file is
00187     * emec?_nnnnn_noise.dat where ? is given by the input data file name
00188     * @param noiseFileName the name of the noise file
00189     */
00190   void emecReadNoiseFile(string noiseFileName = "");
00192   //! Print emec noise data
00193   void emecPrintNoise();
00196   // all the following variables will be made private eventually
00197   // only for experts!
00199   //################################
00200   // hec public variables
00202   // febno keyed maps for all connected channels
00203   map<int, TH1F*> m_hecHMap;          // map of histograms
00204   map<int, float> m_hecHistoMeanMap;  // map of histogram signal means 
00205   map<int, float> m_hecHistoRMSMap;   // map of histogram signal rms
00206   map<int, float> m_hecHistoNMap;     // map of histogram number of entries in bins
00207   // febno keyed mean sigma/peds maps for all connected channels
00208   // all entried for a given ieta are the same
00209   map<int, float> m_hecMeanRatioMap;
00210   map<int, float> m_hecMeanRatioErrorMap;
00211   // febno keyed maps for good channels (retained for noise fit)
00212   map<int, float> m_hecFitMeanMap;        // map of fitted means
00213   map<int, float> m_hecFitMeanErrorMap;
00214   map<int, float> m_hecFitSigmaMap;       // map of fitted sigmas
00215   map<int, float> m_hecFitSigmaErrorMap;
00216   map<int, float> m_hecFitProbMap;        // map of fit probabilities
00217   // febno keyed maps for good channels and PedRMSnA > 0
00218   map<int, float> m_hecFitSigmaOverPedRMSMap;      // map of sigma/ped rms
00219   map<int, float> m_hecFitSigmaOverPedRMSErrorMap; // map of sigma/ped rms
00221   //################################
00222   // emec public variables
00224   // febno keyed maps for all connected channels
00225   map<int, TH1F*> m_emecHMap;          // map of histograms
00226   map<int, float> m_emecHistoMeanMap;  // map of histogram signal means 
00227   map<int, float> m_emecHistoRMSMap;   // map of histogram signal rms
00228   map<int, float> m_emecHistoNMap;     // map of histogram number of entries in bins
00229   // febno keyed mean sigma/peds maps for all connected channels
00230   // all entried for a given ieta are the same
00231   map<int, float> m_emecMeanRatioMap;
00232   map<int, float> m_emecMeanRatioErrorMap;
00233   // febno keyed maps for good channels (retained for noise fit)
00234   map<int, float> m_emecFitMeanMap;        // map of fitted means
00235   map<int, float> m_emecFitMeanErrorMap;
00236   map<int, float> m_emecFitSigmaMap;       // map of fitted sigmas
00237   map<int, float> m_emecFitSigmaErrorMap;
00238   map<int, float> m_emecFitProbMap;        // map of fit probabilities
00239   // febno keyed maps for good channels and PedRMSnA > 0
00240   map<int, float> m_emecFitSigmaOverPedRMSMap;      // map of sigma/ped rms
00241   map<int, float> m_emecFitSigmaOverPedRMSErrorMap; // map of sigma/ped rms
00243 private:
00245   //################################
00246   // hec private methods
00248   // make a TBID from a febno only considering ieta and iz
00249   TBID hecMakeTBID(int febno);
00250   // write noise data file
00251   void hecWriteNoiseFile();
00253   //################################
00254   // emec private methods
00256   // make a TBID from a febno only considering ieta and iz
00257   TBID emecMakeTBID(int febno);
00258   // write noise data file
00259   void emecWriteNoiseFile();
00261   //################################
00262   // private variables
00264   Geometry* m_geo;
00265   Event* m_event;
00266   Headers* m_runHeader;
00267   // pointer to CalibrationAlg systemAlg
00268   CalibrationAlg* m_calibration;
00269   // cell signal range (nA) and number of bins for signal histograms
00270   float m_sigMin;
00271   float m_sigMax;
00272   int m_nbins;
00273   // signal cut variables
00274   float m_SigmaMeanCut;  // |HistoMean-FitMean| > m_SigmaMeanCut*FitMeanError 
00275   float m_MeanCut;      // (nA) |HistoMean| > m_MeanCut
00276   // vector of TF1* needed for deletion in destructor
00277   vector<TF1*> m_TF1Vector;
00279   //################################
00280   // hec private variables
00282   // enable flags
00283   bool m_hecEnable;
00284   // print level
00285   int m_hecPrintLevel;
00286   // noise result file name
00287   string m_hecNoiseFileName;
00288   // febno keyed noise maps for all connected channels
00289   map<int, float> m_hecNoiseMap;
00290   map<int, float> m_hecNoiseErrorMap;
00291   map<int, int>   m_hecNoiseStatusMap;
00293   //################################
00294   // emec private variables
00296   // enable flags
00297   bool m_emecEnable;
00298   // print level
00299   int m_emecPrintLevel;
00300   // noise result file name
00301   string m_emecNoiseFileName;
00302   // febno keyed noise maps for all connected channels
00303   map<int, float> m_emecNoiseMap;
00304   map<int, float> m_emecNoiseErrorMap;
00305   map<int, int>   m_emecNoiseStatusMap;
00307 };
00309 #endif

Generated on Fri Aug 15 10:52:04 2003 for TBRootAna by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002