email list and repository

The hec_adc software package has its own ATLAS email list:
Emails posted to this list are archived in a repository .

If you would like to subscribe, send a mail to
containing the line
subscribe atlas-larg-hec-adc-sw [mail address]
The address may be omitted if sent from the address at which you wish to receive mail. Or, the mail address may be explicitly given in the form
name <mail address>
where the name is optional and the <> are required. Once you are registered, you can post mails by using the address:

Old emails and information (before the creation of the larg-hec-adc-sw list) can also be accessed:
Old emails
Old information

Old emails
August 25, 1998
Dear Colleagues,

 In order to give access to August testbeam data as soon as possible, a
preliminary version of hec_adc 3.5 is now available. It can be downloaded
from the hec_adc homepage:

or from the ATLAS workgroup server:


It should be noted that this is only a PRELIMINARY version and as such:
- it contains no new calibration constants for the August period, April
  constants are used.

- if digital filtering is used, care must be taken for events which are
  "out of time". The tdc "wraparound constant" used to correct tdc values
  before peak-finding is not constant for the August period. In order to
  minimize this effect, it will be necessary to implement a run-number
  dependent correction. So far, the run period has been divided into three 
  tdc-correction regions based on three reference runs (7522,7700,8006).
  This should eliminate most "out-of-time" events, however, more work is
  needed to further sub-divide the run period.

- MWPC alignment is not initialized for the August period. April's values
  are used but should NOT be trusted.

- the code has only been tested on HPUX 10.2 systems 

- documentation (ie. manual) has not been updated

Improvements since the last release:
- ability to read August 1998 testbeam data

- improved online and histogram packages (inclusion of clustering

- patch to correct tdc value for runs early in the April 1998 period

Please report problems to and

Dugan O'Neil and Michel Lefebvre

June 27, 1998
Dear Colleagues,
 This is to announce the release of version 3.4 of the HEC testbeam
offline software package hec_adc. New features include 

    1- new digital filtering package
    2- new maximum adc array treatment:
       *** the maximum signal is now in pedestal subtracted adc ***
       this change, not backward compatible, is imposed by
       the fact that the digital filtering method produces pedestal
       subtracted signal maxima.
    3- updated manual

Please consult our web page
for details.
Extensive work went into the production of this new release and its
related dcoumentation. We have given much effort to test this version of
the code. Please do not hesitate to report any problems to us. 

Michel and Dugan.,

May 15, 1998
Dear Colleagues,
 This is to announce the release of version 3.3 of the HEC testbeam
offline software package hec_adc. New features include 

    1- improved cubic fit package
    2- improved ntuple package
    3- new histogram package
    4- updated user example
    5- improved search package
    6- improved tdc handling
    7- addition of user pass initialization
    8- updated manual
    9- many structural improvements hidden from the user

Please consult our web page
for details.
Extensive work went into the production of this new release and its
related dcoumentation. We have given much effort to test this version of
the code. Please do not hesitate to report any problems to us. 

Michel and Dugan.,

December 2, 1997
Dear Colleagues,
 The next version of the testbeam data analysis software, hec_adc 3.1 is
now ready for use. It is available from:
1) The hec_adc homepage:
2) My public directory on ATLAS WGS at CERN:
3) The development area on the HEC disk at CERN:
If there are any questions or comments about this version of
the code, please direct them to me at
Below you will find a description of the latest version of the code. For
more details please see our web page at:
 *  HEC_ADC Release of Version 3.1 *
Changes from pre-release version:
- several bugs fixed: Online mode now reads from staged tape as well as
  disk file, bug in histogram package fixed, etc.
- geometry correspondence tables now present for all run periods (three
  coordinate systems).
- provides access to TDC data.
- new make files. Now, gmake is used in place of make command. Code should
  compile without changes on HP, IBM and ALPHA
- epio dumping utility routine has now been removed from the package.
- draft manual now available from hec_adc homepage. Not all new packages
  are fully documented yet. However, everything else in the draft 
  manual is completely up to date for this version. More documentation 
  will be added and the latest version will always be available from the
Thanks to those who have helped in debugging the pre-release (in
particular D. Striegel).

Installing the package:
- to install it, once you have untarred file, use the
  installation scripts hec_adc_lib.ins in the main directory followed by
  hec_adc.ins in the user directory. For more details see web page at:

Known Bugs:
- ON DEC ALPHA ONLY: using the beam chamber code crashes the program. If
  the beam chamer reconstruction is turned off (in the datacard), this
  problem will not occur. This is NOT a problem on HP workstations.
What has changed from version 3.0:
- the datacard file "hec_adc.datacard" is now read in automatically by the 
  program. The UNIX "< hec_adc.datacard" expression is no longer required. 
  This change was necessary to accomodate online running of the code for 
- many new packages have been added (see below).
- access to TDC and FADC data is provided (through common blocks). 
What it will do  :
- it provides access to october 1997 data as well as all previous run
  periods (testing has been done on May97 and Sept96 data).
- it provides access to all data in the same way as previous versions 
  of the hec_adc package (ie. same common blocks). 
- user routines that worked before will still work in this version. 
- will produce calibrated energies (in nA) from the calibration files provided 
  in the user directory. (thanks to E. Marschalkowski and P. Strizenec)

New packages     :
- online running mode - controlled by rnmode datacard. 
                        Runs the program in an 
                        interactive way, prompting for 4-digit run number 
                        to analyse. Looks for file data/run_run#.dat. This is 
                        the mode that was run at the testbeam with automatic
                        histogram display. This is currently the most up to 
                        date way to get system histograms both while running
                        and afterwards in the file hec_online.hbook. (thanks
                        to R. Davis)

- beam chambers       - controlled by beamc datacard.
                        Extensive beam chamber reconstruction in offline mode
                        and access to beam profile histograms in online mode
                        is provided by this package. (thanks to A. Minaenko)

- correlations        - controlled by mkcrl datacard.
                        Channel to channel and time sampling correlations
                        for random trigger events are calculated and ntuples
                        are filled in crl.hbook file. Please note, package 
                        curently runs on a maximum of 72 channels (one module)
                        and 32 time slices in order to keep package memory 
                        usage small. If this is not sufficient, please 
                        comment. (thanks to A. Kiryunin) 

- signal finding      - controlled by search datacard.
                        Searches all channels for signal events based on 
                        a datacard controlled sigma cut on the max-pedestal 
                        level. This allows the user to view (through 
                        histograms produced in the histogram package) which 
                        channels contain signal and how many contain 
                        signal for each run. When turned on it can also be 
                        used as an event selector (ie. only histogram events
                        which contain at least one channel with signal).
                        (thanks to D. Striegel) 

November 5, 1997

The data from the October 1997 testbeam period is now on tape at CERN
and can be accessed in the same fashion as previous testbeams using
the hec_stage command in the directory:


In order that analysis of this data can begin immediately, I have
produced a preliminary version of the hec_adc package for general
use. A more complete version, with more new packages and more
documentation will follow in the next two weeks.  

If there are any questions or comments about this preliminary version of
the code, please direct them to

The rest of this email refers only to what is necessary to run the
pre-release version of the code.


HEC_ADC Pre-Release of Version 3.1*

Where to get it  :
- it can be downloaded from ~oneil/public/prerelease/hec_adc.tar.gz on 
  the ATLAS work group server at CERN.

What is missing  :
- the only thing that was present in previous versions that is not present yet
  for this run period are the geometry correspondence tables for the module. 
  This means that adc channel number is the currently the only valid 
  coordinate  system. The other coordinate systems will be available for the
  full release.

- documentation of the changes is not yet complete. 
  There is a "versions" file in the main directory, but the main source of
  documentation (for now) is this email. 
  The manual for the previous version can still be used for most applications
  and it will be updated by the time of the full release of version 3.1. 
  (reminder: homepage is

- it has been tested only on ATLASWGS (HP UNIX) workstations. In principle, 
  it should also work on other UNIX platforms, but the usual tests have not
  yet been done.

What has changed :
- the datacard file "hec_adc.datacard" is now read in automatically by the 
  program. The UNIX "< hec_adc.datacard" expression is no longer required. 
  This change was necessary to accomodate online running of the code for 

What will it do  :
- it provides access to october 1997 data. All previous run periods should 
  also work but have not yet been as thoroughly tested.

- it provides access to all data in the same way as previous versions 
  of the hec_adc package (ie. same common blocks). 

- user routines that worked before SHOULD still work in this version (except 
  for alternate coordinate systems).

- will produce calibrated energies (in nA) from the calibration files provided 
  in the user directory. (thanks to E. Marschalkowski and P. Strizenec)

New packages     :
- online running mode - controlled by rnmode datacard. 
                        Runs the program in an 
                        interactive way, prompting for 4-digit run number 
                        to analyse. Looks for file data/run_run#.dat. This is 
                        the mode that was run at the testbeam with automatic
                        histogram display. This is currently the most up to 
                        date way to get system histograms both while running
                        and afterwards in the file hec_online.hbook. (thanks
                        to R. Davis)

- beam chambers       - controlled by beamc datacard.
                        Extensive beam chamber reconstruction in offline mode
                        and access to beam profile histograms in online mode
                        is provided by this package. (thanks to A. Minaenko)

- correlations        - controlled by mkcrl datacard.
                        Channel to channel and time sampling correlations
                        for random trigger events are calculated and ntuples
                        are filled in crl.hbook file. Please note, package 
                        curently runs on a maximum of 72 channels (one module)
                        and 32 time slices in order to keep package memory 
                        usage small. If this is not sufficient, please 
                        comment. (thanks to A. Kiryunin) 

- signal finding      - controlled by search datacard.
                        Searches all channels for signal events based on 
                        a datacard controlled sigma cut on the max-pedestal 
                        level. This allows the user to view (through 
                        histograms produced in the histogram package) which 
                        channels contain signal and how many contain 
                        signal for each run. When turned on it can also be 
                        used as an event selector (ie. only histogram events
                        which contain at least one channel with signal).
                        (thanks to D. Striegel) 

Known Bugs       :
- in online mode ONLY, the package cannot open files directly from the 
  CERN tape stage. Remote file copy of the file (rfcp command) to disk will 
  allow access in online mode. (bug fix coming in full release).

- the routine hec_dump_epio will no longer work. It will have to be changed
  or ommitted in the future due to changes in the way epio is read in the 

May 22, 1997

Dear colleagues,
     Version 3.0 of the hec_adc package is now released.
Please consult our updated web site:

     Some highlights:

    Backward compatible with version 2.5 (except an improvement
    in the system histogram package datacard).
    Many significant improvements:
    1- Now treats all HEC data taken so far
    2- New manual available on our updated web site
    3- All May 97 runs available using usual HEC staging script
    4- Improved makefiles: the code now compiles and run on
       hp (atlas.wgs) AND dec (dxplus) (thanks to Dieter S. for
       his efforts).  Improved treatment of include files.
    5- Improved pedestal package
    6- Improved system histogram package
    7- New simple cubic fit max finding package
    8- New calibration package (allowing the reading and
       application of calibration files)
    9- Improved trigger bits processing (thanks to Leonid K.)
   10- New utilities directory
   11- New updated user example

    Work in progress:
    a- Wire chamber data processing package (A.M.)
    b- Clealand max finding package (D.S.)
    c- Shape fit finding package (D.S./H.S.)
    d- any other volunteers?

Please do not hesitate to give us any comments you might have
on this hec_adc package.
The email list used to send this mail is still in its development
phase.  Please let us know 
    - if we should include someone missing from the list
    - if you wish us to use a different email address
    - if you do not wish to be part of the list

The current list of HEC software reps is reproduced below.  
Please let us know of any errors.

    Alberta      : Rob Davis
    CRPP         : Michael Losty
    Dubna        : Denis Salihagic
    Heidelberg   : Martin Wunsch
    Kosice       : Pavol Strizenec
    Lebedev      : Aston Komar
    Mainz        : Karl Jakobs
    Montreal     : Georges Azuelos
    Munich       : Peter Schacht
    Protvino     : Andrei Minaenko
    TRIUMF       : Myron Rosvick
    Victoria     : Michel Lefebvre
    Wuppertal    : Helmut Braun

Best Regards,

Michel Lefebvre
Dugan O'Neil

Old information

December 5, 2000

hec_adc version 3.10 final release is now available from the download area. This version includes new timing corrections and final calibration and weigh files from A. Minaenko and P. Strizenec.

August 29, 2000

From now on, all hec_adc news will be posted on the hec_adc software email list repository. Please refer to it for all news beginning August 2000.

August 21, 2000

hec_adc version 3.10 pre-release is now available from the download area. Such version allows access to the August 2000 test beam data and it is currently installed in the test beam area.

July 31, 2000

The final release version of hec_adc 3.9 is now available from the download area. This version includes a bug fix which affects trigger selection for run period 12.

June 9, 2000

hec_adc version 3.9 pre-release is now available from the download area. Such version allows access to the June 2000 test beam data and is currently installed in the control room

February 3, 2000

hec_adc version 3.8 final release is now available from the download area.

August 14, 1999

hec_adc version 3.7 final release is now available from the download area. This version allows access to the June 1999 beam test data.

November 30, 1998

hec_adc version 3.6 is now tested and available from the download area. This is the first version with the common ntuple format for Monte Carlo and data. The first version of an ntuple analysis framework is also now available. Click here for details.

Version 3.6 contains the following new features since version 3.5:

  1- new ntuple structure standardized with Monte Carlo
  2- user routines for ntuple package. Possibility to add "user"
     block to event ntuple
  3- changes to ntuple package datacard (removal of sigma cut), addition
     of "time filter" card to screen out events with bad timing.
  4- changes to format of calibration and digital filtering weights
     files (now require version number at top of file)
  5- bug in search package repaired (time slice window)
  6- update to mpref datacard. Now if no digital filtering weights
     exist for a given channel either choose cubic fit or max time
     slice for that channel (tzero+3)
  7- update of manual

October 23, 1998

version 3.5 is now tested and available from the download area. It contains the following new features since the pre-release:

  1- histogram package datacard improvement
  2- ntuple package improvement: nt_ic_index renamed to nt_ic to
     correctly reflect the content (ic) of this variable
  3- inclusion of August 1998 calibration files
  4- update of beam chamber initialization (thanks to A. Minaenko)
  5- AIX and ALPHA compatibility improvements (thanks to D. Striegel)
  6- improvement to makefile for linux (thanks to D. Striegel)
  7- significant update of the manual
  8- minor improvement to TDC time shifts for early April 98 runs
August 25, 1998

PRE-RELEASE of version 3.5 is now available in the download area!. This version will read August 1998 testbeam data. It is not yet thouroughly tested, and it is missing certain features (new calibration constants, etc.) but should be useful for starting data analysis.

June 27, 1998

Version 3.4 is now released. This release contains a new digital filtering package and several other minor changes. The manual is updated to reflect these changes and both the manual and the new software can be downloaded from this web site.

May 1998

25/05/1998 An update to version 3.3 is now released. This update contains corrections for Alpha and IBM platforms. It also contains a new calibration file and new tdc shifts (corrections) for several runs.

15/05/1998 The newest version of the software, version 3.3 is now released! Download it from the download area.

All data is now available for analysis. The new software release will come by May 15!

APRIL 1998

VERSION 3.2 for APRIL 1998 has been Pre-released


Version 3.2 of hec_adc is a pre-release, awaiting version 4.0 (that
will handle slow control records ).  This pre-release has been tested
satisfactorily on many runs from April 98, but the documantation is
not all up to date.  Testing is still taking place.

As of today (13/04/98), you can access the runs 6966 to 7215 using the provided
staging script.  The other runs are currently not available to this 
script: earlier runs were not taken using the automatic data archiving
system, and need to be copied onto the proper tapes (this will take place
after the beam period); later runs are currently being written to the next
tape, which should not be accessed for data analysis during data taking.
They will be accessible shortly after the end of data taking.
Data can be accessed using the script hec_stage located on the HEC offline
directory /afs/ (read the hec_stage.readme

Note the following features of version 3.2:
  - new pedestal package datacard:  the user can now produce 
    pedestals event by event and/or over one or two pre-passes over
    the data;
  - new ntuple datacard, producing a column-wise ntuple for further
    analysis;  more discussion with respect to this ntuple with
    version 4.0.  See web page for details.  Comments welcome;
find more ntuple package details here
  - new online package used during data taking (many thanks for your
    comments during the data taking).  See web page for details.
find more online package details here

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


   This version is currently under development.  In order to finalize
version 4.0, we require a digital filtering package.  None have been 
submitted so far, though there exist private versions.  Please let us 
know if you wish to contribute a digital filtering package for hec_adc 
(by sending us the relevant user_* routines)