hec_dig_fit.f (ic, sig, sigmax, tmax)      [#]


     note: I simplified the argument array names a little in this description....
    ( is called by:   hec_dig_evt.f  )

    includes the following commons:


    This routine uses digital filtering to find the signal maximum:

     Input are the adc channels: ic
              and the array of signal for the used time slices: sig

    Loop over all times slices  (dig_nslice) and add up:

        sigmax = sigmax + (dig_weight_amp(ic,i_t)*sig(i_t))
        tmax     = tmax    + (dig_weight_tim(ic,i_t)   *sig(i_t))

    end of loop

    The final tmax then is:           tmax / sigmax