C C Contain the parameters of a reconstructed beam particle trajectory C xbeam - beam x-coordinate at z=zbeam C ybeam - beam y-coordinate at z=zbeam C zbeam - z-coordinate, at which (x,y)-coordinates of a beam trajectory C are calculated. It should be set during the initialization stage. C xslop - trajectory x-slop: at any z x=xbeam+xslop*(z-zbeam) C yslop - trajectory y-slop: at any z y=ybeam+yslop*(z-zbeam) C xbeam_ok - .TRUE., if beam x-projection is successfully reconstructed C ybeam_ok - .TRUE., if beam y-projection is successfully reconstructed logical xbeam_ok, ybeam_ok real xbeam, ybeam, zbeam, xslop, yslop common/beam/xbeam,ybeam,zbeam,xslop,yslop,xbeam_ok,ybeam_ok C