c c correlation package common c c c event counter c integer nevtcrl c c set maximum number of slices and adcs that can be examined c with this package (do not increase the size of these as the c memory of the entire hec_adc package rises like the cube of these c dimensions) c integer crl_maxsamp,crl_maxadc parameter (crl_maxsamp=16) parameter (crl_maxadc=50) c c **** arrays with average, r.m.s. and correlation coefficients c common /sssivcom/ dpave(crl_maxsamp,crl_maxadc), & dprms(crl_maxsamp,crl_maxadc), & dpcortim(crl_maxsamp,crl_maxsamp,crl_maxadc), & dpcoradc(crl_maxadc,crl_maxadc,crl_maxsamp), & dps1(crl_maxsamp,crl_maxadc), & dps2(crl_maxsamp,crl_maxadc), & dpsc2(crl_maxadc,crl_maxadc,crl_maxsamp), & dpsc1(crl_maxsamp,crl_maxsamp,crl_maxadc), & nevtcrl c DOUBLE PRECISION dpave,dprms,dpcortim,dpcoradc DOUBLE PRECISION dps1,dps2,dpsc1,dpsc2