hec_ntuple_book.f     [#]


    ( is called by:   hec_ntuple_ini.f   )

    It contains the following  commons:


    This routine does the actual booking of the ntuples.
    The following comments are from the source code:

c routine to initialize column-wise ntuples for ntuple package
c               name           type  description
c run ntuple:
c               hec_runno        i    run number
c               hec_runpd        i    run period number
c               hec_beame        r    beam energy
c               hec_noevt        i    number of events
c               hec_parttype     i    particle type
c               hec_cryox        r    cryostat position in x
c               hec_tabley       r    table position in y
c               hec_zbeam        r    for MWPCs, z position at which x and y
c                                     are calculated
c               hec_peakf        i    peak finding method used
c                                     1 = cubic
c                                     2 = digital filtering
c                                     0 = pure MC
c                                    -1 = spoiled MC with ordinary noise
c                                    -2 = spoiled MC with noise as after
c                                         digital filtering
c               hec_cal_version  i    version of calibration used
c               hec_dig_version  i    version of digital filtering weights used
c               hec_shower       i    shower model type
c                                     0 = experimental data
c                                     3 = GHEISHA
c                                     4 = G-FLUKA
c                                     6 = G-CALOR
c               hec_eunit        i    units of energy
c                                     (1=adc,2=nA,3=GeV,4=MC visible energy)
c               hec_adc_max      i    maximum adc channel number (eg. 144)
c               hec_index        i    index of channel with a given adc number
c               hec_cells_used   i    number of cells used (eg. <= 144)
c               hec_ped_rms      r    run pedestal rms for each channel
c               hec_ieta         i    eta value for each channel
c               hec_iphi         i    phi value for each channel
c               hec_iz           i    z value for each channel
c               hec_ic           i    adc channel number
c event ntuple:
c        standard event block (hecevt)
c               hec_evtno        i    event number
c               hec_trig         i    trigger flag array
c                                     (physics,electron,pion,muon,random)
c               hec_signal       r    energy (signal) for each channel
c        MWPC block (hecmwpc)
c               hec_xbeam        r    beam x-coordinate at z=zbeam
c               hec_ybeam        r    beam y-coordinate at z=zbeam
c               hec_xslop        r    trajectory x-slop: at any z
c                                     x=xbeam+xslop*(z-zbeam)
c               hec_yslop        r    trajectory y-slop: at any z
c                                     y=ybeam+yslop*(z-zbeam)
c               hec_xbeam_ok     i    =1 if beam x-projection is successfully
c                                     reconstructed
c               hec_ybeam_ok     i    =1 if beam y-projection is successfully
c                                     reconstructed
c slow control ntuple:
c               hec_time         i    UNIX binary time data was taken
c               hec_lartemp      r    liquid argon temperature
c               hec_press        r    cryostat pressure
c               hec_adc_used     i    as hec_cells_used in run ntuple
c               hec_hvcor        r    HV correction factors for each cell:
c                                     1., 4./3., 4./2., 4.  or 0 if
c                                     SC bank missing/unreliable