hec_online_getfile.f      [#]


    ( is called by:   hec_online.f  )

    includes the following commons:


    This routine requests the name of the run-file that
    is to be used for online monitoring.

    If   auto_run=0   then the routine expects the run number
                              to be input via the keyboard,
    if    auto_run.ne.0  then the run number is given automatically:
                               (in   hec_card.f  the auto_rnnum is set to be 1111;
                                however,  during run-mode, there is a line in the
                                online.scr code that modifies this number in the datacard file
                                on the fly. Not an obvious procedure...)

    Once the run number has been set,  try to open the file with filename
    runnumber.dat . If that works, i.e. the file exists, rewind and close the file.
    Then call:
    to initialize the epio reading.