subroutine hec_beam_survey(mode) ************************************************************************ *** if mode=1 store data for alignment, reading current event *** if mode=2 calculate alignment constants *** *** created 17-feb-1995 a.minaenko *** updated 02-mar-1995 a.kiryunin *** modified 24-jun-1997 a.minaenko *** ************************************************************************ implicit none c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c integer mode c=== local variables character*80 chtit character*1 chn(5) save chn c integer numev, ihz save numev, ihz integer i, ipla, idum, nbin, nbmax, lvmax, nblow, nbup, iclu c real y_tabl_ref save y_tabl_ref real dx_refrun, dy_refrun, dzx, dzy save dx_refrun, dy_refrun, dzx, dzy real hi, hstati, hsum real vect(200),x1,x2,bwidth,dum,x_slop,xzero,y_slop,yzero real nevx(5),nevy(5),cont,out,x,y,dx,dy,xpred,ypred c data chn/'1','2','3','4','5'/ data numev/0/ data ihz/5000/ data y_tabl_ref/0.0/ c if ( return ! incorrect mode if (mode.eq.1) then if (numev.eq.0) then ! initialization if (nrfl.eq.5) y_tabl_ref=y_tabl dzx=zxplane(nrfl)-zxplane(nrff) dzy=zyplane(nrfl)-zyplane(nrff) c=== save shifts of the last ref.mwpc from reference run dx_refrun=shiftx(nrfl) dy_refrun=shifty(nrfl) do i=1,5 chtit='(xpred-xreal) x-plane chamber #'//chn(i) call hbook1(ihz+i,chtit,120,-6.,6.,0.) chtit='(ypred-yreal) y-plane chamber #'//chn(i) call hbook1(ihz+5+i,chtit,120,-6.,6.,0.) enddo if ( then do i=21,25 chtit='beam profile: x-plane chamber #'//chn(i-20) call hbook1(ihz+i,chtit,120,-6.,6.,0.) chtit='beam profile: y-plane chamber #'//chn(i-20) call hbook1(ihz+5+i,chtit,120,-6.,6.,0.) enddo endif endif ! numev=0 c c=== first 40 events are used to find precise histogram boundaries c=== redefine alignment histograms with precize boundaries if (numev.eq.40) then do i=1,5 call hgive(ihz+i,chtit,nbin,x1,x2,idum,dum,dum, & idum,idum) call hunpak(ihz+i,vect,' ',0) nbmax=lvmax(vect,nbin) bwidth=(x2-x1)/nbin x1=x1+bwidth*(nbmax-0.5) if (i.eq.nrff.or.i.eq.nrfl) then x2=x1+2.0 x1=x1-2.0 chtit=' beam profile x-plane chamber #'//chn(i) else x2=x1+2.5*step(i) x1=x1-2.5*step(i) chtit='(xpred-xreal) x-plane chamber #'//chn(i) endif call hdelet(ihz+i) call hbook1(ihz+i,chtit,50,x1,x2,0.) call hidopt(ihz+i,'stat') c=== call hgive(ihz+5+i,chtit,nbin,x1,x2,idum,dum,dum, & idum,idum) call hunpak(ihz+5+i,vect,' ',0) nbmax=lvmax(vect,nbin) bwidth=(x2-x1)/nbin x1=x1+bwidth*(nbmax-0.5) if (i.eq.nrff.or.i.eq.nrfl) then x2=x1+2.0 x1=x1-2.0 chtit=' beam profile y-plane chamber #'//chn(i) else x2=x1+2.5*step(i) x1=x1-2.5*step(i) chtit='(ypred-yreal) y-plane chamber #'//chn(i) endif call hdelet(ihz+5+i) call hbook1(ihz+5+i,chtit,50,x1,x2,0.) call hidopt(ihz+5+i,'stat') enddo endif ! numev=40 c=== begin alignment histogram filling numev=numev+1 call hec_beam_getclust(0) ! take all clusters c=== x-plane histogram filling if (nclux(nrff).eq.1.and.nclux(nrfl).eq.1) then x_slop=(clux(1,1,nrfl)-clux(1,1,nrff))/dzx xzero=clux(1,1,nrff)-x_slop*zxplane(nrff) call hf1(ihz+nrff,clux(1,1,nrff),1.) call hf1(ihz+nrfl,clux(1,1,nrfl),1.) do ipla=1,5 if ( then if (nclux(ipla).ge.1) then xpred=xzero+x_slop*zxplane(ipla) do iclu=1,nclux(ipla) if (clux(2,iclu,ipla).le.(0.6*step(ipla))) then dx=clux(1,iclu,ipla)-xpred call hf1(ihz+ipla,dx,1.) endif if ( call hf1(ihz+20+ipla,clux(1,1,ipla),1.) enddo endif endif ! enddo endif ! nclux(nrff).eq.1.and.nclux(nrfl).le.1 c=== y-plane histogram filling if (ncluy(nrff).eq.1.and.ncluy(nrfl).eq.1) then y_slop=(cluy(1,1,nrfl)-cluy(1,1,nrff)-y_tabl_ref)/dzy yzero=cluy(1,1,nrff)+y_tabl-y_slop*zyplane(nrff) call hf1(ihz+5+nrff,cluy(1,1,nrff),1.) call hf1(ihz+5+nrfl,cluy(1,1,nrfl),1.) do ipla=1,5 if ( then if (ncluy(ipla).ge.1) then do iclu=1,ncluy(ipla) if (cluy(2,iclu,ipla).le.(0.6*step(ipla))) then ypred=yzero+y_slop*zyplane(ipla) dy=cluy(1,iclu,ipla)-ypred if (ipla.le.4) dy=dy+y_tabl call hf1(ihz+5+ipla,dy,1.) if ( call hf1(ihz+25+ipla,cluy(1,1,ipla),1.) endif enddo endif endif ! enddo endif ! ncluy(nrff).eq.1.and.ncluy(nrfl).le.1 else ! mode.eq.1 c c=== calculate alignment constants c c=== get beam position in reference chambers nevx(nrff) = hsum(ihz+nrff) if (nevx(nrff).ne.0) then shiftx(nrff)=hstati(ihz+nrff,1,' ',0) else shiftx(nrff)=0.0 endif c nevy(nrff) = hsum(ihz+nrff+5) if (nevy(nrff).ne.0) then shifty(nrff)=hstati(ihz+5+nrff,1,' ',0) else shifty(nrff)=0.0 endif c nevx(nrfl) = hsum(ihz+nrfl) if (nevx(nrfl).ne.0) then shiftx(nrfl)=hstati(ihz+nrfl,1,' ',0) else shiftx(nrfl)=0.0 endif c nevy(nrfl) = hsum(ihz+nrfl+5) if (nevy(nrfl).ne.0) then shifty(nrfl)=hstati(ihz+5+nrfl,1,' ',0) else shifty(nrfl)=0.0 endif c beamx=shiftx(nrff) beamy=shifty(nrff) c do ipla=1,5 if ( then cont=hsum(ihz+ipla) nevx(ipla)=cont if (nevx(ipla).ge.1) then c c=== x-planes alignment c call hgive(ihz+ipla,chtit,nbin,x1,x2,idum,dum,dum, & idum,idum) out=hi(ihz+ipla,0)+hi(ihz+ipla,nbin+1) if ( then write(*,1020)ipla,nint(cont),nint(out) 1020 format(//2x,'!!!!!!!!! x-plane #',i1,': Warning - too many ' & ,'entries out of survey histogram; cont=',i5,' out=',i6//) print *,' ihz,ipla,nbin=',ihz,ipla,nbin,' cont=',cont, & ' out=',out endif call hunpak(ihz+ipla,vect,' ',0) x=hstati(ihz+ipla,1,' ',0) call hxi(ihz+ipla,x,nblow) nbup=nblow+10 nblow=nblow-10 if ( then bwidth=(x2-x1)/nbin x=x1+(nblow-0.5)*bwidth cont=0. do i=nblow,nbup x=x+bwidth cont=cont+vect(i) shiftx(ipla)=shiftx(ipla)+x*vect(i) enddo shiftx(ipla)=shiftx(ipla)/cont else shiftx(ipla)=1001. print *,' *** survey failed for x-plane #',ipla print *,' =',x,' nblow=',nblow,' nbup=',nbup endif endif ! nevx(ipla).ge.1 c c=== y-planes alignment c cont=hsum(ihz+5+ipla) nevy(ipla)=cont if (nevy(ipla).ge.1) then call hgive(ihz+5+ipla,chtit,nbin,x1,x2,idum,dum,dum, & idum,idum) out=hi(ihz+5+ipla,0)+hi(ihz+5+ipla,nbin+1) if ( then write(*,1021)ipla,ifix(cont),ifix(out) 1021 format(//2x,'!!!!!!!!! y-plane #',i1,': worning - too many ' & ,'entries out of survey histogram; cont=',i5,' out=',i6//) print *,' ihz, ipla=',ihz,ipla,' cont=',cont,' out=',out endif call hunpak(ihz+5+ipla,vect,' ',0) y=hstati(ihz+5+ipla,1,' ',0) call hxi(ihz+5+ipla,y,nblow) nbup=nblow+10 nblow=nblow-10 if ( then bwidth=(x2-x1)/nbin x=x1+(nblow-0.5)*bwidth cont=0. do i=nblow,nbup x=x+bwidth cont=cont+vect(i) shifty(ipla)=shifty(ipla)+x*vect(i) enddo shifty(ipla)=shifty(ipla)/cont else shifty(ipla)=1001. print *,' *** survey failed for y-plane #',ipla print *,' =',x,' nblow=',nblow,' nbup=',nbup endif endif ! nevy(ipla).ge.1 endif ! enddo c c write (*,1011) shiftx 1011 format(/5x,'***** alignment parameters (cm) before rotation', ,'*****'/,5x,'x-planes: ',5(f7.4,2x)) c write (*,1002) shifty c c=== take into account reference chambers x,y positions c dx=shiftx(nrfl)-shiftx(nrff) dy=shifty(nrfl)-shifty(nrff) shiftx(nrfl)=dx_refrun shifty(nrfl)=dy_refrun shiftx(nrff)=0. shifty(nrff)=0. c slopx=shiftx(nrfl)/dzx c xzero=-slopx*zxplane(nrff) c slopy=shifty(nrfl)/dzy c yzero=-slopy*zyplane(nrff) c do ipla=1,5 c if (ipla.eq.nrff.or.ipla.eq.nrfl) go to 106 c if (nevx(ipla).gt.0) then c shiftx(ipla)=shiftx(ipla)-slopx*zxplane(ipla)-xzero c else c shiftx(ipla)=0.0 c endif c if (nevy(ipla).gt.0) then c shifty(ipla)=shifty(ipla)-slopy*zyplane(ipla)-yzero c else c shifty(ipla)=0.0 c endif c 106 enddo c c=== print resulting alignment parameters c write (*,1001) shiftx 1001 format(/5x,'***** alignment parameters (cm) *****'/, , 5x,'x-planes: ',5(f8.3,2x)) write (*,1002) shifty 1002 format(5x,'y-planes: ',5(f8.3,2x)) write (*,1003) numev 1003 format(/5x,'***** ',i5,' events were used for alignment') write (*,1210) nevx 1210 format(/5x,'***** number of events for alignment *****'/ & 5x,'x-planes: ',5(f8.0,2x)) write (*,1220) nevy 1220 format(5x,'y-planes: ',5(f8.0,2x)) write (*,1012) dx,dy 1012 format(/5x,'last reference mwpc displacements: dx=',f6.3, , ' dy=',f6.3//) c c=== write the computed constants to the file align.const if ( run_mode .eq. 1) then open (unit=io_beam(2), file='align.const', status='new') endif write (io_beam(2), *) run_no, , shiftx,shifty,beamx,beamy c if (hpr_beam .ne. 0 .and. mk_his .gt. 0) then do ipla=1,5 call hprint(ihz+ipla) call hprint(ihz+5+ipla) enddo do ipla=21,25 call hprint(ihz+ipla) call hprint(ihz+5+ipla) enddo endif if (mk_his .eq. 0 .or. hpr_beam .eq. 0) then do ipla=1,5 call hdelet(ihz+ipla) call hdelet(ihz+5+ipla) call hdelet(ihz+20+ipla) call hdelet(ihz+25+ipla) enddo endif endif ! else mode.eq.1 c return end