subroutine hec_crl_correl ( job ) c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c- c- toy program to calculate c- c- for each adc channel and for each time sampling: c- - average signal and r.m.s. (pedestal and noise) c- c- for each adc channel: c- - correlation coefficients between different time samplings c- c- for each time sampling: c- - correlation coefficients between different adc channels c- c- input: job - steering flag: c- <0 - initialization c- =0 - analysis of an event c- >0 - final anlysis after all events c- c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c implicit none c integer job c c **** include necessary parameters and arrays (in this order!!!) c include '' include '' include '' include '' c c **** arrays to calculate average, r.m.s. and correlations c double precision dpadc(crl_maxadc) double precision dptim(crl_maxsamp) c c **** miscellaneous c integer it, it2, ia, ia2 double precision dpsum, dp1,dp2 c integer nchan, nsamp c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c c **** initialization c if ( then c nevtcrl=0 c do ia=1,crl_maxadc do it=1,crl_maxsamp dps1(it,ia)=0.d0 dps2(it,ia)=0.d0 c do it2=1,crl_maxsamp dpsc1(it,it2,ia)=0.d0 enddo c do ia2=1,crl_maxadc dpsc2(ia,ia2,it)=0.d0 enddo enddo enddo c c **** analysis of the current event c elseif (job.eq.0) then c c set number of channels/samplings to look at c nchan = min(i_adc_used,crl_maxadc) nsamp = min(i_tim_used,crl_maxsamp) c nevtcrl=nevtcrl+1 c c **** store data to calculate average and r.m.s. c do ia=1,nchan ! loop over adc channels do it=1,nsamp dptim(it)=dble(i_adc_ic_t(ia,it)) dps1(it,ia)=dps1(it,ia) + dptim(it) dps2(it,ia)=dps2(it,ia) + dptim(it)*dptim(it) enddo c c **** store data to calculate correlations between time samplings c do it=1,nsamp do it2=it,nsamp dpsc1(it,it2,ia)=dpsc1(it,it2,ia) + dptim(it)*dptim(it2) enddo enddo enddo ! loop over adc channels c c **** store data to calculate correlations between adc channels c do it=1,nsamp ! loop over time samplings do ia=1,nchan dpadc(ia)=dble(i_adc_ic_t(ia,it)) enddo do ia=1,nchan do ia2=ia,nchan dpsc2(ia,ia2,it)=dpsc2(ia,ia2,it) + dpadc(ia)*dpadc(ia2) enddo enddo enddo ! loop over time samplings c c **** final analysis: calculate average, r.m.s. and time correlation c else c c set number of channels/samplings to look at c nchan = min(i_adc_used,crl_maxadc) nsamp = min(i_tim_used,crl_maxsamp) c if ( then dpsum=dble(nevtcrl) c c **** calculate average and r.m.s. c do ia=1,nchan ! loop over adc channels do it=1,nsamp dp1 = dps1(it,ia) / dpsum dp2 = dps2(it,ia) / dpsum - dp1*dp1 dp2=dsqrt(dp2) c dpave(it,ia)=dp1 dprms(it,ia)=dp2 enddo c c **** calculate correlations between time samplings c do it=1,nsamp do it2=it,nsamp dp1 = dpsc1(it,it2,ia) / dpsum dp1 = dp1 - dpave(it,ia)*dpave(it2,ia) dp1 = dp1 /(dprms(it,ia)*dprms(it2,ia)) dpcortim(it,it2,ia)=dp1 if ( then dpcortim(it2,it,ia)=dp1 endif enddo enddo enddo ! loop over adc channels c c **** calculate correlations between adc channels c do it=1,nsamp ! loop over time samplings do ia=1,nchan do ia2=ia,nchan dp1 = dpsc2(ia,ia2,it) / dpsum dp1 = dp1 - dpave(it,ia)*dpave(it,ia2) dp1 = dp1 /(dprms(it,ia)*dprms(it,ia2)) dpcoradc(ia,ia2,it)=dp1 if ( then dpcoradc(ia2,ia,it)=dp1 endif enddo enddo enddo ! loop over time samplings c write (6,*) ' *** correl: ',nevtcrl, & ' events for analysis *** ' c else write (6,*) ' *** correl: no events for analysis *** ' do ia=1,nchan do it=1,nsamp dpave(it,ia)=0.d0 dprms(it,ia)=0.d0 do it2=1,nsamp dpcortim(it,it2,ia)=0.d0 enddo do ia2=1,nchan dpcoradc(ia,ia2,it)=0.d0 enddo enddo enddo c endif endif c return end c ======================================================================