subroutine hec_max_fill c c fill the max adc and time values common c for the preferred max finding package c c for 1996, just copy the adc arrays c for 1997+,if only one max finding package is used, then c fill with the corresponding max adc and times; c if more than one max finding package are used, c fill with the max adc and time values of the c preferred max finding package (max adc is pedestal c subtracted, max time is in ns) c implicit none c include'' !shared parameters include'' !adc values include'' !max adc and time for simple cubic fit include'' !datacard values include'' !max adc and time for digital filtering include'' !system common for digital filtering include'' !geometry correspondence tables include'' !max adc and time values include'' !pedestal values c integer ic !adc channel number integer i_mod integer i_seg integer i_pad integer i_eta integer i_phi integer i_z c logical l_fill c c reset the arrays c call vzero(adc_max_ic, 2*i_adc_dim) call vzero(adc_max_db, 2*i_mod_max*i_seg_max*i_pad_max) call vzero(adc_max_ph, 2*i_eta_max*i_phi_max*i_z_max) l_fill = .false. c c for 1996 c if (irunpd .le. 3) then do ic = 1, i_adc_dim adc_max_ic(ic, 1) = real(i_adc_ic(ic)) - adc_ped(ic) enddo l_fill = .true. c c for 1997 and later c else c c preferred peak-finder is cubic fit c if (m_pref .eq. 1) then do ic = 1, i_adc_dim adc_max_ic(ic, 1) = adc_cub_ic(ic, 1) - adc_ped(ic) adc_max_ic(ic, 2) = adc_cub_ic(ic, 2)*25.-25. enddo l_fill = .true. endif c c preferred peak-finder is digital filtering only c if (m_pref .eq. 2) then do ic = 1, i_adc_dim adc_max_ic(ic, 1) = adc_dig_ic(ic, 1) adc_max_ic(ic, 2) = adc_dig_ic(ic, 2) enddo l_fill = .true. endif c c preferred peak-finder is digital filtering c but for cells with bad amplitude weights use the signal c in time slice (dig_slice_1 + 3) c if (m_pref .eq. 3) then do ic = 1, i_adc_dim if (ic_has_amp_weights(ic)) then adc_max_ic(ic, 1) = adc_dig_ic(ic, 1) adc_max_ic(ic, 2) = adc_dig_ic(ic, 2) else adc_max_ic(ic,1) = real(i_adc_ic_t(ic,dig_slice_1+3)) + - adc_ped(ic) endif enddo l_fill = .true. endif c c preferred peak-finder is digital filtering c but for cells with bad amplitude weights cubic fit is used c if (m_pref .eq. 4) then do ic = 1, i_adc_dim if (ic_has_amp_weights(ic)) then adc_max_ic(ic, 1) = adc_dig_ic(ic, 1) adc_max_ic(ic, 2) = adc_dig_ic(ic, 2) else adc_max_ic(ic,1) = adc_cub_ic(ic,1) - adc_ped(ic) endif enddo l_fill = .true. endif endif c c fill arrays in database and physics systems c if (l_fill) then do i_pad = 1, i_pad_used do i_seg = 1, i_seg_used do i_mod = 1, i_mod_used ic = dbtoic(i_mod, i_seg, i_pad) if (ic .gt. 0 .and. ic .le. i_adc_used) then adc_max_db(i_mod, i_seg, i_pad, 1) = + adc_max_ic(ic, 1) endif enddo enddo enddo do i_z = 1, i_z_used do i_phi = 1, i_phi_used do i_eta = 1, i_eta_used ic = phtoic(i_eta, i_phi, i_z) if (ic .gt. 0 .and. ic .le. i_adc_used) then adc_max_ph(i_eta, i_phi, i_z, 1) = + adc_max_ic(ic, 1) endif enddo enddo enddo endif c end