hec_stats_trig_print.f      [#]


    ( is called by:   hec_stats_print.f )

    includes the following commons:


    This prints the DAQ and wac trigger statistics:

      print *, ' *** trigger statistics'
      print *, '     number of events:'
      print *, '     trig_daq_e   (pi/e*c prescaled) ... ', stat_daq_e
      print *, '     trig_daq_epi (pi/e   prescaled) ... ', stat_daq_epi
      print *, '     trig_daq_mu  (mu     prescaled) ... ', stat_daq_mu
      print *, '     trig_random  (calib) .............. ', stat_random
      print *, '     trig_random_hard  (rand prescaled). ',
     +  stat_random_hard
      print *, '     trig_wac_c ........................ ', stat_wac_c
      print *, '     trig_wac_epi ...................... ', stat_wac_epi
      print *, '     trig_wac_mu ....................... ', stat_wac_mu