c c run header common c c run_no run number c e_beam beam energy c i_part particle type (1=e, 2=mu, 3=pi) c x_cryo cryostat x position (cm) c y_tabl trigger table y position (cm) c run_start Unix binary time of run start c can be translated to readable format with ctimef c adc_temp ADC crate temperature (Celsius) c integer run_no real e_beam integer i_part real x_cryo real y_tabl real adc_temp logical calo_on_flag logical mwpc_on_flag integer run_start c common /sssrun/ run_no,e_beam,i_part,x_cryo,y_tabl, + calo_on_flag,mwpc_on_flag,run_start, + adc_temp c