hec_scaler_epio.f        [#]


    ( is called by:   hec_nextevt_epio.f  , hec_nextevt_online_epio.f )

    includes the following commons:


    This routine reads the scaler block and then puts
     the data into the event header common.

c there are 12 scaler values, 24 bits each
c i_scaler(i) info in ibankbuf(2*i+1) and ibankbuf(2*i+2)
c from some dumps, and taking with Sepp, it looks like
c ibankbuf(2*i+1) = most significan 2 bytes  (bits 16-31)
c ibankbuf(2*i+2) = lowest significant 2 bytes (bits 0-15)
c no swaps.
c Sepp warns that bit number 23 could be a status word.
c So we should mask off ibankbuf(2*i+1) with 007F = 127