subroutine hec_card_print c c print messages concerning the datacards selected c preliminary version ML 29/04/98 c implicit none c include'' !shared parameters include'' !user datacard values c c do not print messages for online mode c if (run_mode .eq. 2) return c print *, ' ' c c pedestal package c print *, ' *** pedestal package:' if (mk_ped .le. 0) then write(*, '(6x,a)') 'no pedestal computation requested' if (io_ped(1) .gt. 0) write(*, '(6x,a,i2)') + 'pedestals over all events to be read from file on unit ', + io_ped(2) else if (mk_ped .eq. 1 .or. mk_ped .ge. 3) write(*, '(6x,a)') + 'pedestals will be computed for each event' if (mk_ped .ge. 2) write(*, '(6x,a)') + 'pedestals will be computed over all events' if (io_ped(1) .gt. 0) then write(*, '(6x,a)') + 'pedestals over all events will be read from file' if (pr_ped .ne. 0) write(*, '(9x,a)') + 'pedestals will be printed' endif if (mk_ped .ge. 2 .and. io_ped(1) .gt. 0) then write(*, '(9x,a)') 'no point to read AND produce pedestals!' write(*, '(9x,a)') 'read pedestals overwritten by produced!' endif if (mk_ped .eq. 3) then write(*, '(6x,a)') 'pedestals for each event are preferred' elseif (mk_ped .eq. 4) then write(*, '(6x,a)') 'pedestals over all events are preferred' endif write(*, '(6x,a,i2,a,i2)') 'uses time slices', + nt_ped(1), ' through ', nt_ped(2) if (mk_ped .ge. 2) then write(*, '(6x,a)') 'for pedestals over all events:' if (sc_ped .le. 0.) then write(*, '(9x,a)') 'no sigma cut' else write(*, '(9x,a,f4.1,a)') + 'sigma cut of ', sc_ped, ' adc' endif if (tr_ped .le. 0) then write(*, '(9x,a)') 'all triggers used' elseif (tr_ped .eq. 1) then write(*, '(9x,a)') 'only random triggers used' elseif (tr_ped .eq. 2) then write(*, '(9x,a)') 'only pretriggers used' endif if (io_ped(3) .gt. 0) write(*, '(9x,a,i2)') + 'will be written out to file on unit ', io_ped(4) if (pr_ped .ne. 0) write(*, '(9x,a)') + 'pedestals will be printed' endif endif c c cubic fit package c print *, ' *** cubic fit package:' if (mk_cub .gt. 0) then write(*, '(6x,a)') 'cubic fit package requested' if (sc_cub .ge. 0.) then write(*, '(6x,a,f4.1,a)') + 'if the fit maximum in a cell is less than ', sc_cub, + ' pedestal sigma,' write(*, '(9x,a,i2)') + 'set fit max to time slice ', tm_cub endif if (fl_cub .gt. 0) then write(*, '(6x,a,i2,a,i2)') + 'peak searching window requested from time slices ', t1_cub, + ' through ', t2_cub else write(*, '(6x,a)') + 'no constraint on peak searching window' endif else write(*, '(6x,a)') 'cubic fit package not requested' endif c c digital filtering package c print *, ' *** digital filtering package:' if (mk_dig .gt. 0) then write(*, '(6x,a)') 'digital filtering package requested' if (mk_dig .eq. 1) then write(*, '(6x,a)') 't0''s WILL NOT be used' else write(*, '(6x,a)') 't0''s will be used' endif if (t0_dig .gt. 0) then write(*, '(6x,a)') + 'first time slice number used will be forced to ', t0_dig endif if (pr_dig .gt. 0) write(*, '(6x,a)') + 'weight parameters and t0''s will be printed' else write(*, '(6x,a)') 'digital filtering package not requested' endif c c preferred max finding method c if (m_pref .ge. 1 .and. m_pref .le. 4) then print *, ' *** the generic signal max common will be filled' if (m_pref .eq. 1) then write(*, '(6x,a)') 'with cubic fit signal max' else write(*, '(6x,a)') 'with digital filtering signal max' if (m_pref .eq. 3) then write(*, '(9x,a)') + 'for cells with bad weights use signal in time slice ', + 'dig_slice_1 + 3' elseif (m_pref .eq. 4) then write(*, '(9x,a)') + 'for cells with bad weights use signal given by ', + 'cubic fit' endif if (mk_dig .le. 0) then print *, ' *** WARNING: digital filtering not requested!!' endif endif endif if ((m_pref .eq. 1 .or. m_pref .eq. 4) .and. mk_cub .le. 0) then print *, ' *** WARNING: cubic fit not requested!!' endif c c correlation package c if (mk_crl .gt. 0) then print *, ' *** correlation package requested' else print *, ' *** correlation package not requested' endif c c beam chamber package c if (mk_beam .gt. 0) then print *, ' *** beam reconstruction package requested' else print *, ' *** beam reconstruction package not requested' endif c c calibration package c if (io_cal(1) .gt. 0) then print *, ' *** calibration package requested' else print *, ' *** calibration package not requested' endif c c signal search package c if (hec_s_dk .ge. 0) then print *, + ' *** signal search package requested with algorithm ', + hec_s_dk else print *, ' *** signal search package not requested' endif c c ntuple package c if (mk_ntp .gt. 0) then print *, ' *** ntuple package requested' if (random_ntp .eq.0 ) then if (irunpd .ge. 12) then print*, ' software random trigger events in ntupla' print*, ' but NOT RELIABLE for this run period !!!' print*, ' please check your datacard' endif else if (random_ntp .eq. 1) then print *, ' software random trigger events NOT in ntuple' if ( print *,' *** SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING?' endif else if (random_ntp .eq. 2) then print *, ' hardware random trigger events NOT in ntuple' print *,' *** SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING?' endif else print *, ' *** ntuple package not requested' endif c c system histogram package c if (mk_his .gt. 0) then print *, ' *** system histogram package requested' else print *, ' *** system histogram package not requested' endif c print *, ' ' c c summary of package switches c end