subroutine hec_geo_aug01 c c fill geometry table and physics database array c The geometry is as in June 2000 c c lookup table read from file (ic is ADC#) c lookup(ic,1) = ic c lookup(ic,2) = i_pad c lookup(ic,3) = i_z c lookup(ic,4) = i_eta c lookup(ic,5) = i_phi c lookup(ic,6) = i_mod c lookup(ic,7) = i_seg c implicit none c include'' ! parameter common include'' ! datacard values include'' ! geometry common c include'' ! run header c c local variable c character fname*19, ctag*3 integer fnum, ios parameter (fnum=20, fname='hec_geo.dat') integer i_look_dim parameter (i_look_dim = 7) integer lookup(i_adc_dim, i_look_dim) ! lookup table integer i, j, ic, i_mod, i_seg, i_pad, i_eta, i_phi, i_z c c reset geometry c call vzero (ictodb, 3*i_adc_dim) call vzero (ictoph, 3*i_adc_dim) call vzero (dbtoic, i_mod_max*i_seg_max*i_pad_max) call vzero (phtoic, i_mod_max*i_seg_max*i_pad_max) call vzero (lookup, i_look_dim*i_adc_dim) c i_adc_used = 300 ! set geometry used i_tim_used = 16 c i_mod_used = 3 i_seg_used = 4 i_pad_used = 24 c i_eta_used = 14 i_phi_used = 6 i_z_used = 4 c c read database file c open (UNIT=fnum,IOSTAT=ios,ERR=100,FILE=fname, & STATUS='OLD', & ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL',FORM='FORMATTED') c c skip header and look for geometry table c ctag = 'xxx' do while (ctag .ne. 'geo') read(fnum,FMT='(a3)',IOSTAT=ios,ERR=100,END=300) ctag enddo c c read table c do i = 1, i_adc_used read(fnum,FMT='(7I7)',IOSTAT=ios,ERR=100,END=300) & ( lookup(i,j), j=1, i_look_dim) if (,1)) then ! check lookup table print *, ' *** inconsistent database file at ic', i print *, ' *** database: ',(lookup(i,j) ,j=1, i_look_dim) stop endif ! if (,1)) then enddo ! do i=1, i_adc_used c close(fnum) ! close database file c c fill tables c do ic=1, i_adc_used c i_mod = lookup(ic,6) i_seg = lookup(ic,7) i_pad = lookup(ic,2) c ictodb(ic,1) = i_mod ictodb(ic,2) = i_seg ictodb(ic,3) = i_pad if ((i_mod.eq.0).or.(i_seg.eq.0).or.(i_pad.eq.0)) then continue ! unconnected ADC else dbtoic(i_mod,i_seg,i_pad) = ic endif ! if ((i_mod.eq.0).or.(i c i_eta = lookup(ic,4) i_phi = lookup(ic,5) i_z = lookup(ic,3) c ictoph(ic,1) = i_eta ictoph(ic,2) = i_phi ictoph(ic,3) = i_z if ((i_eta.eq.0).or.(i_phi.eq.0).or.(i_z.eq.0)) then continue ! unconnected ADC else phtoic(i_eta,i_phi,i_z) = ic endif ! if ((i_eta.eq.0).or... enddo ! do ic=1, i_adc_used c print *, ' *** August 2001 geometry correspondence tables filled' c return c c treat end of file problems c 100 continue close(fnum) ! close database file print *, ' *** error accessing August 2001 geometry file' stop c 300 continue close(fnum) ! close database file print *, ' *** problems reading August 2001 geometry tables' stop c end