subroutine hec_his_ana1 c implicit none c include'' ! shared parameters include'' ! datacard values include'' ! event header common include'' ! geometry correspondence tables include'' ! histogram package include'' ! include'' ! impact point common include'' ! pedestal common include'' ! pedestal system common include'' ! run header common include'' ! include'' ! tdc common c c local variables c character*4 ct character*2 cpart integer ic, i_t, nid, nid2, id, ibin integer i_z, i_mod, i_eta, i_phi real signal_sum(i_z_max,i_mod_max) real avetdc(ntdc_bin), errtdc(ntdc_bin) real error(i_adc_dim) real weight, average integer i,j real calv1(nchhv_cal_max),pmv1(nchhv_pm_max) real mwpcv1(nchhv_mwpc_max) real calv2(nchhv_cal_max),pmv2(nchhv_pm_max) real mwpcv2(nchhv_mwpc_max) c c fill adc pedestal and adc pedestal rms histograms c nid = 0 nid2 = 0 call vzero(signal_sum,i_z_max*i_mod_max) call vzero(average_max,i_adc_dim) call vzero(errmax,i_adc_dim) c do ic = 1, i_adc_used c c histo type 1 -- ped/noise/scaler c if (histo_switch(1) .eq. 1) then call hf1(id_ped, adc_ped_run(ic), 1.) call hf1(id_ped_ic, real(ic), adc_ped_run(ic)) call hf1(id_rms, adc_rms_run(ic), 1.) c c fill error array for rms vs. ic plot c if (i_adc0_1(ic) .ge. 1) then error(ic) = adc_rms_run(ic)/sqrt(2.*real(i_adc0_1(ic))) else error(ic) = 0. endif endif c c skip disconnected channels c if(ic_connected(ic))then c c histo type 2 -- geometric energy distribution c if (histo_switch(2) .eq. 1) then c c fill arrays for histo of max vs. channel c if (adc_rms_run(ic).lt.25. .and. maxmom(ic,1).ge.1.d0) then average_max(ic) = real( maxmom(ic,2)/maxmom(ic,1) ) errmax(ic) = real( maxmom(ic,3)/maxmom(ic,1) - + dble(average_max(ic)**2) ) if (errmax(ic) .gt. 0.) then errmax(ic) = real(dsqrt(dble(errmax(ic))/maxmom(ic,1))) else errmax(ic) = 0. endif else print *,'ic of bad cell is ',ic average_max(ic) = 0. errmax(ic) = 0. endif c c fill histo with lego map of weighted "hits" in each layer c i_eta = ictoph(ic,1) i_phi = ictoph(ic,2) i_z = ictoph(ic,3) if (i_eta*i_phi*i_z .ne. 0) then if (maxmom(ic,1) .ge. 1.d0) then weight = real( maxmom(ic,2) / maxmom(ic,1) ) else weight = 0. endif if (i_z .ge. 1 .and. i_z .le. i_z_used) then id = id_map - 1 + i_z c if (i_eta .le. 6.) then call hfill(id, real(i_phi), real(i_eta), weight) c endif endif endif c c sum to get average content of each depth for each module c (includes bad cell cut) c i_mod = ictodb(ic,1) if (i_z .ne. 0 .and. i_mod .ne. 0) then signal_sum(i_z,i_mod) = signal_sum(i_z,i_mod) + + average_max(ic) endif c endif c c fill time profile histograms c c c histo type 3 -- no tdc or calib corrections c if (histo_switch(3) .eq. 1) then do i_t = 1, i_tim_used c if (adcmom(ic,i_t,1) .ge. 1.d0) then average = real( adcmom(ic,i_t,2) / adcmom(ic,i_t,1) ) else average = 0. endif c id = id_tprof_ic + ic call hff1(id, nid, real(i_t), average) enddo endif c c histo type 4 -- tdc corrected c if (histo_switch(4) .eq. 1) then c c errtdc is actually rms/rootn (error on the mean) c do ibin = 1, ntdc_bin if (tdcmom(ic,ibin,1) .ne. 0.d0) then avetdc(ibin) = real( tdcmom(ic,ibin,2)/tdcmom(ic,ibin,1) ) errtdc(ibin) = real( tdcmom(ic,ibin,3)/tdcmom(ic,ibin,1) + - dble(avetdc(ibin))**2 ) if (errtdc(ibin) .gt. 0.) then errtdc(ibin) =sqrt(dble(errtdc(ibin))/tdcmom(ic,ibin,1)) else errtdc(ibin) = 0. endif else avetdc(ibin) = 0. errtdc(ibin) = 0. endif enddo id = id_timns_ic + ic call hpak(id,avetdc) call hpake(id,errtdc) c endif c endif c c end loop over channels c enddo c c histo type 1 -- ped/noise c if (histo_switch(1) .eq. 1) then c c fill histogram of rms vs. channel number c error is (bin content)/sqrt(2n) c call hpak(id_rms_ic,adc_rms_run) call hpake(id_rms_ic,error) call hpak(id_pedevt+1, adc_ped_time_ic1) call hpak(id_pedevt+2, adc_ped_time_ic2) call hpak(id_pedevt+3, adc_ped_time_ic3) call hpak(id_pedevt+4, adc_ped_time_ic4) endif c c histo type 2 -- geometric energy distribution c if (histo_switch(2) .eq. 1) then c c fill histogram of maximum adc vs. channel number c call hpak(id_max_ic, average_max) call hpake(id_max_ic, errmax) c c fill depth profile histos c do i_mod = 1, i_mod_used do i_z = 1, i_z_used id = id_adc_z + i_z_used + i_mod call hfill(id,i_z-0.5,0.,signal_sum(i_z,i_mod)) enddo enddo c endif c c slow control histos c if( .and. histo_switch(7).eq.1)then do i = 0, nmodhv_cal_max - 1 do j=1,nchhv_cal_max calv1(j)=hv_cal_hv(i,j) calv2(j)=hv_cal_i(i,j) enddo call hpak(6600+i,calv1) call hpak(6610+i,calv2) enddo do i = 0, nmodhv_pm_max - 1 do j=1,nchhv_pm_max pmv1(j)=hv_pm_hv(i,j) pmv2(j)=hv_pm_i(i,j) enddo call hpak(6620+i,pmv1) call hpak(6630+i,pmv2) enddo do i = 0, nmodhv_mwpc_max - 1 do j=1,nchhv_mwpc_max mwpcv1(j)=hv_mwpc_hv(i,j) mwpcv2(j)=hv_mwpc_i(i,j) enddo call hpak(6640+i,mwpcv1) call hpak(6650+i,mwpcv2) enddo call hpak(6660,cryo_temp,0.,1.) call hfill(6661,cryo_press,0.,1.) endif c c energy cluster for impact point when appropriate: a mere copy c of the corresponding cluster c if(i_part.eq.1)then cpart='e-' else if(i_part.eq.2)then cpart='mu' else if(i_part.eq.3)then cpart='pi' else if(i_part.eq.0)then cpart='xx' endif j=0 if( do i=1,his_clus_num ct=his_clus_title(his_clus_index(i)) if(impact_point_name(impact_point_index).eq.ct(1:1))then if(cpart.eq.ct(3:4))then call hcopy(id_clus+i,9091,' ') call hcopy(id_clus_cal+i,9092,' ') call hcopy(id_clus_cal_hv+i,9093,' ') else if(cpart.eq.'xx')then j=j+1 call hcopy(id_clus+i,9090+j,' ') endif endif enddo endif c c Also copy the Z clusters histograms (adc, calib, hv+calib) c for the actual particle type to ids 19091,19092,19092. c In case of noise run they will contain adc distributions c for the 3 kinds of particle. These copies are used to ease c the online display/fitting and writing to files c j=0 do i=1,his_clus_num ct=his_clus_title(his_clus_index(i)) if(ct(1:1).eq.'Z')then if(cpart.eq.ct(3:4))then call hcopy(id_clus+i,19091,' ') call hcopy(id_clus_cal+i,19092,' ') call hcopy(id_clus_cal_hv+i,19093,' ') else if(cpart.eq.'xx')then j=j+1 call hcopy(id_clus+i,19090+j,' ') endif endif enddo c return end