subroutine hec_his_ini c c book online histograms c c this booking routine is called before the pass over events c it should only be used to book histos that must be filled c every event. c implicit none c include'' ! shared parameters include'' ! datacard values include'' ! geometry correspondance tables include'' ! histo ids, etc. include'' ! hv status common include'' ! impact parameter points include'' ! run header common c c local variables c integer i_z, i, ic, i_t, k character*70 ct,ctc,cthv character*1 cd character*4 c4 integer nbin integer id, id_cal, id_cal_hv real hrange c c zero our moments arrays c do i = 1, 3 do ic = 1, i_adc_dim maxmom(ic, i) = 0.d0 do i_t = 1, i_tim_dim adcmom(ic, i_t, i) = 0.d0 enddo do i_t = 1, ntdc_bin tdcmom(ic, i_t, i) = 0.d0 enddo enddo enddo c c zero time evolution arrays c call vzero( adc_ped_time_ic1, 100) call vzero( adc_ped_time_ic2, 100) call vzero( adc_ped_time_ic3, 100) call vzero( adc_ped_time_ic4, 100) c c header information histos c call hbook1(5550,'run number',1,1.,-1.,0.) call hbook1(5551,'particle type',1,1.,-1.,0.) call hbook1(5552,'particle energy',1,1.,-1.,0.) call hbook1(5553,'x_cryo',1,1.,-1.,0.) call hbook1(5554,'y_table',1,1.,-1.,0.) call hfill(5550,float(run_no),0.,1.) call hfill(5551,float(i_part),0.,1.) call hfill(5552,e_beam,0.,1.) call hfill(5553,x_cryo,0.,1.) call hfill(5554,y_tabl,0.,1.) c print *, ' *** booking event by event histograms' c c histo type 1 -- ped/noise/scaler c for aug01 onwards, book scaler block histograms c if (histo_switch(1) .eq. 1) then if (irunpd .ge. 15) then nbin = 100 id = id_sc + 1 ct = 'time between events (milli sec)' call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., 50., 0.) c id = id_sc + 2 ct = 'pre-triggers between events' call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., 2500., 0.) c id = id_sc + 3 ct = 'W triggers between events' call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., 25000., 0.) c id = id_sc + 11 ct = 'pre-triggers per milli sec' call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., 1000., 0.) c id = id_sc + 12 ct = 'W triggers per milli sec' call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., 10000., 0.) c id = id_sc + 21 ct = 'pre-triggers per milli sec vs event no in burst' call hbprof(id, ct, nbin, 0., 300., 0., 1000., ' ') c id = id_sc + 22 ct = 'W triggers per milli sec vs event no in burst' call hbprof(id, ct, nbin, 0., 300., 0., 10000., ' ') endif endif c c histo type 4 -- tdc correction c print *, ' *** histo_switch is ',histo_switch if (histo_switch(4) .eq. 1) then c c tdc distribution c nbin = 100 write(c4, '(i4)') ic ct = 'tdc distribution (ns)' id = id_tdcd call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., 100., 0.) endif c c histo type 2 -- geometrical energy distribution c if (histo_switch(2) .eq. 1) then c c pedestal subtracted energy distribution for each depth c nbin = 100 do i_z = 1, i_z_used write(cd, '(i1)') i_z ct = 'adc - pedestal for tower depth '//cd id = id_adc_z + i_z call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 1., -1., 0.) call hidopt(id, 'STAT' ) enddo endif c c book histograms for each channel c do ic = 1, i_adc_used c c skip booking for disconnected channels c if(ic_connected(ic))then c c histo type 3 -- no calibration, no tdc correction c if (histo_switch(3) .eq. 1) then c c pedestal subtracted energy distribution for each channel c in the case of muons, use one bin per adc c nbin = 100 write(c4, '(i4)') ic ct = 'adc - pedestal for channel'//c4 id = id_adc_ic + ic if (i_part .eq. 2) then call hbook1(id, ct, nbin+20, -20., real(nbin), 0.) else call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, -100., 2000., 0.) endif c call hidopt(id, 'STAT') ! not compatible with fast filling c c time(max) distribution in ns for each channel for 1997 or later c if (irunpd .ge. 4) then nbin = 100 write(c4, '(i4)') ic ct = 'time of max for ch.'//c4//'(ns)' id = id_tim_ic + ic call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0. , 25.*i_tim_used , 0.) endif c endif c c histo type 4 -- tdc corrected c if (histo_switch(4) .eq. 1) then c c time(max) distribution in ns (TDC corrected) for each channel c for 1997 or later for cubic fit only c if (irunpd .ge. 4 .and. m_pref .eq. 1) then nbin = 500 write(c4, '(i4)') ic ct = 'time of max +TDC for ch.'//c4//' (ns) (cubic fit)' id = id_tim_icns + ic call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0.5 , nbin+0.5 , 0.) endif endif c c histo type 5 -- Calibration correction c if (histo_switch(5) .eq. 1) then c c calibrated energy for each channel, if calibration is turned on c nbin = 100 if (io_cal(1) .gt. 0) then write(c4, '(i4)') ic ct = 'energy in nA for channel'//c4 id = id_cal_ic + ic call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 1., -1., 0.) call hidopt(id, 'STAT') endif c endif c endif c enddo c c histo type 5 -- Calibration correction c if (histo_switch(5).eq.1 .and. io_cal(1).ge.1) then c c calibrated energy if above sigma cut c ct = 'total energy (nA) - channels above 1 sigma ' id = id_sigma + 1 call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., 400.*e_beam, 0.) ct = 'total energy (nA) - channels above 2 sigma ' id = id_sigma + 2 call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., 400.*e_beam, 0.) ct = 'total energy (nA) - channels above 3 sigma ' id = id_sigma + 3 call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., 400.*e_beam, 0.) c c calibrated energy if above sigma cut c if(e_beam.le.80)then hrange=2.0*e_beam if(i_part.eq.3)hrange=3.0*e_beam else hrange=1.5*e_beam if(i_part.eq.3)hrange=1.7*e_beam endif ct = 'total energy (GeV) - channels above 1 sigma' id = id_sigma + 4 call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., hrange, 0.) ct = 'total energy (GeV) - channels above 2 sigma' id = id_sigma + 5 call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., hrange, 0.) ct = 'total energy (GeV) - channels above 3 sigma cut' id = id_sigma + 6 call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., hrange, 0.) c c calibrated and HV corrected energy if above sigma cut c Book them only if slow control bank is there c if(lhvstat)then ct = 'total HV corrected energy (GeV) - 1 sigma cut' id = id_sigma + 7 call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., hrange, 0.) ct = 'total HV corrected energy (GeV) - 2 sigma cut' id = id_sigma + 8 call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., hrange, 0.) ct = 'total HV corrected energy (GeV) - 3 sigma cut' id = id_sigma + 9 call hbook1(id, ct, nbin, 0., hrange, 0.) endif endif c c histo type 6 -- Clustered Energy c if (histo_switch(6) .eq. 1) then c c fill the array his_clus_index that contains the cluster numbers for the c clusters that are used (poll on the number of cells) c fill his_clus_num, the total number of filled entries in his_clus_index c call vzero(his_clus_index, nclust_dim) his_clus_num = 0 do i = 1, nclust_dim if (his_clus_cell_array(1, i) .gt. 0) then his_clus_num = his_clus_num + 1 his_clus_index(his_clus_num) = i endif enddo c c Convert Hollerith integer back into characters for clustering titles c do k = 1, his_clus_num call UHTOC (his_clus_ititle(his_clus_index(k)),4, + his_clus_title(his_clus_index(k)),4) enddo c c set depth weights for cluster c do i = 1, i_z_max if (i .le. 2) then depthw_adc(i) = 1. depthw_na(i) = 1. else depthw_adc(i) = 2. depthw_na(i) = 2. endif enddo c c for run periods 9 and above, the ADC value is already multiplied by two c in the electronics c if (irunpd .ge. 9) then do i = 3, i_z_max depthw_adc(i) = 1. enddo endif c c cluster histogram ranges c if(e_beam.eq.0)then hrange=50. else if(e_beam.le.80)then hrange=2.0*e_beam if(i_part.eq.3)hrange=3.0*e_beam else hrange=1.3*e_beam if(i_part.eq.3)hrange=1.5*e_beam endif do k = 1, his_clus_num write (c4,'(a4)') his_clus_title(his_clus_index(k)) write (ct,8) his_clus_title(his_clus_index(k)) 8 format ('Energy Cluster ',A4) write (ctc,9) his_clus_title(his_clus_index(k)) 9 format ('Calibrated energy, Cluster ',A4) write (cthv,10) his_clus_title(his_clus_index(k)) 10 format ('HV corrected and calibrated energy, cluster ',A4) id = id_clus + k id_cal = id_clus_cal + k id_cal_hv = id_clus_cal_hv + k if (c4(3:4) .eq. 'mu') then if(ct(17:17).ne.'Z')then call hbook1(id, ct, 150, -50., 100., 0.) else call hbook1(id, ct, 100, -100., 400., 0.) endif if(io_cal(1).ge.1)then if(ct(17:17).ne.'Z')then call hbook1(id_cal, ctc, 80, -50., 30., 0.) if(lhvstat)then call hbook1(id_cal_hv, cthv, 100, -50., 30., 0.) endif else call hbook1(id_cal, ctc, 150, -50., 100., 0.) if(lhvstat)then call hbook1(id_cal_hv, cthv, 150, -50., 100., 0.) endif endif endif else if( call hbook1(id, ct, 100, -50., 15.*e_beam, 0.) else if(ct(17:17).ne.'Z')then if (c4(3:4) .eq. 'pi') then call hbook1(id, ct, 100, -50., 400., 0.) else call hbook1(id, ct, 100, -50., 100., 0.) endif else if (c4(3:4) .eq. 'pi') then call hbook1(id, ct, 100, -50., 1000., 0.) else call hbook1(id, ct, 100, -50., 400., 0.) endif endif endif if(io_cal(1).ge.1)then if(ct(17:17).eq.'Z'.and.e_beam.eq.0.and. & i_part.eq.3)then hrange=100. endif call hbook1(id_cal, ctc, 100, -20., hrange, 0.) if(lhvstat)then call hbook1(id_cal_hv,cthv,100,-20., hrange,0.) endif endif endif call hidopt(id, 'STAT') if(io_cal(1).ge.1)then call hidopt(id_cal, 'STAT') if(lhvstat)then call hidopt(id_cal_hv, 'STAT') endif endif enddo c c find cluster corresponding to impact point and store index c in common block for later copy c impact_point_index=0 i=0 do while ( i=i+1 if(x_cryo.eq.impact_point_x(i) .or. & x_cryo*10.eq.impact_point_x(i))then if(y_tabl.eq.impact_point_y(i).or. & y_tabl*10.eq.impact_point_y(i))then impact_point_index=i endif endif enddo endif c print *, ' *** end of event histogram booking' c return end