HEC1 C wheel on T6
September 2002

Pictures sent by Roy of the hadronic endcap calorimeter first wheel (HEC1 C) on T6, in building 180 at CERN, 26 September 2002.
A few words of wisdom from Roy:

"It took all of yesterday to remove the 40 bolts and the 6 shim plates from the T6/Rotator interface. They were no problem, but to reach them required scaffolding etc. etc. etc. .... and time.
This morning we pulled back from T6 and are currently getting the table back to its support stand. We are also starting to wrap the wheel in plastic.
This whole process has been accomplished without a hitch...... Amazing!! ... or maybe it's just good planning? The whole team has worked really well together and I guess the last picture shows that we can infact DELIVER!"

A few words of wisdom from Chris:
"HEC1 has been moved (slid) on T6 without problem. This removes what I considered a major potential problem... moving 70 tons on 15mm wide rails is no childs play... to me this is the thing to look at in B180: the size of the HEC versus the size of the ledge it sits upon."

The table has been pulled back approx 30 cm and this is a view from the floor looking up between the gap. The wheel is on the right.

A view of the empty table with the 32 shipping frames still attached.

The wheel sitting on T6.

The wheel sitting on T6.