Closing ECC
August 2004

The ECC is now closed! Here are a few pictures and a few comments from Roy:
"Friday evening (August 6th) saw the final closing of the ECC cold cover. There had been urgent activity during the day to fit the diffuser box for the proposed 'blown helium' cooling scenario. A few minor delays were experienced but the installation of the diffuser went quite well. It is supported via G10 stand-offs mounted on a few HEC2 Connection Bars, and also via threaded rods from the cryostat wall. No new holes were drilled for this operation. The FCal pigtail bundle required loosening and repositioning, but Leif was on hand to take care of that. The interseal gap is being pumped at the moment and at the last check, everything seemed to be okay. It now looks clear for the FCal insertion during this week."

PT100 added to the HEC2 rail to monitor rail temperature during the cooling phase. This feature was added specifically for the 'blown helium' cooling scenario.

A view looking up at the rear face of the HEC2 C showing the installation of the diffuser box.

This image shows the cold cover of the ECC approaching the cryostat for the last time. The photograph was taken at approximately 17:00 on August 6th 2004.

Roy and Leif (Arizona) are passing judgement on the execution of the final cold cover closure

Aboud (Orsay) is making the final connection of a PT100 to the Plug 1 mounted on the cold cover.