transport of extended tile C
September 2005

Pictures of the extended tile C calorimeter being moved to point 1 taken by Roy Langstaff on 20 Sep 2005. "The Extended Barrel Tile for end 'C' was moved from its assembly hall to Point 1 this afternoon, September 20th 2005. It will be unloaded today and the trailer will return to load the ECC Cryostat tomorrow"

The 250 tonne sub-assembly of the EB Tile is exiting the door of B185. It was refreshing to see someone did double-check the dimensions before leaving the building! There were approximately 80mm to spare at each of the 'tight spots'.

The convoy has been aligned on the road and is awaiting the connection of the 'pusher' truck at the rear

With the whole convoy now connected, the load heads to Point 1, a journey of about 2.5 hours

Starting the climb of the first slope outside of B180. ATLAS spent CHF 28,000 to widen the road at the top of this 'hill', so the ease of passage of the load was witness to money being well spent. The original road width caused a few problems when transporting the Barrel one year ago.

Police stopped traffic for a few minutes to allow the load to cross the highway and enter the gates of Point 1.