Dear all,

A Doodle poll for a new day/time for ALTAIR biweekly telecons can be found at:

There are 11 different choices of day/time. (In Pacific time they are Mon. 1 pm or 3 pm, Tue. 1 pm or 3 pm, Wed. 11 am or 2 pm, Thu. 11 am or 1:30 pm, or Fri. 11 am, 1 pm, or 3 pm.) Please do note that Friday Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day in Canada and Veteran's Day in the U.S., but please kindly ignore that fact for now and only take into account whether those day/times for a biweekly meeting would be good or bad in general when you vote (if one of the Friday day/times perchance turned out to be the best, we could then either skip or move the special case of the Nov. 11 meeting).

 Thanks very much in advance for your votes!  cheers,