
Telecon tomorrow (Thursday July 25) at our regular time of 11:00 am Eastern time (8 am Pacific, 17.00 European). Discussion items include: flight readiness & weather forecasts, remaining science-flight-critical work, other flight work, goniometric calibration, pre- and post-flight calibration, nanosat design, computing/website, upcoming grant applications, and recap of flight plans. A reminder of the CSA project timeline is attached.

Here's the dial-in info: If you are calling in from Canada or U.S.: 
 1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada) 
 2. Enter 7-digit access code: 5082741 followed by the #

If you are calling in from elsewhere:
 1. To locate International Toll-Free Numbers go to
     http://www.readytalk.com/intl (enter 7-digit access code 5082741)
 2. Dial toll free number from web link
 3. Enter Passcode: Enter 7-digit ACCESS CODE: 5082741 followed by the #

Here's the tentative agenda:
 I)   Flight readiness + weather forecasts + remaining science-flight-critical work (Yorke)
 II)  Other flight work
 III) Pre- and post-flight calibration and goniometric calibrations
 IV)  Science flight plans
 V)   Nanosat design
 VI)  Computing/website
 VII) Upcoming grant application status

 Talk to you all tomorrow!
