Hi all!

Welcome to your projectaltair.org site, and to hypernews! Here's info on how on how to log in and do all sorts of things with the site, and post to hypernews, etc.

Your account name (for example, I'm jalbert -- the e-mail you got a few hours ago from "Owner-ALTAIR-hn" should have your account name -- in almost all cases I used the same account name in your usual e-mail address) and your password (initially set to <Your first name>11, as per my previous e-mail) are the same for both the website and for the Hypernews (and when you change your password or other account info [as I'll explain how to do below] they will automatically get changed for both) -- however the website and hypernews require logging in to each individually.

To log into the website:

1) Go to the bottom of the http://projectaltair.org webpage, and click on
   "Administrative Interface"

2) Enter your login and password, and then you should be logged in!

3) Click on one of the "Pages" or "Elements", and then you can edit any
   given page, or the main page.  The standard edit interface is a
   "wysiwyg" editor, but when editing I usually prefer to click on
   "source" at the bottom of the editor, and edit the source directly --
   then you can be a little more sure that it is what you intend it to be.
   If you save something that you don't like, you can always go back to
   the previous version by using the "Go to version" link at the bottom
   and saving the old version as a new one.

To log into Hypernews and post a new message, and also to change your account info:

1) Go to the "Project Hypernews" link near the top center of the
   http://projectaltair.org webpage.

2) Click on "login" in the upper right-hand corner, and log in.

3) To change your account info, click on "Member Info" in the upper links.
   You can then change your password, etc.  (As mentioned above, this will
   change your info both for Hypernews and for the website.)

4) To post a test message, go to "Forums by Category," then click on Test
   Forum, then click on Add Message to post a test message.  (I've subscribed everyone to
   the General, Balloon, and Nanosat forums, but not to the Test forum, so you don't
   have to worry about spamming everyone if you post a test message there!)

5) You can change the forums that you are subscribed to by clicking on
   "Subscribe to Forums".  I have nominally subscribed you to the three
   main HN forums.

Please just let me (and/or Chris (ctooley@uvic.ca) or Ashok (aka@uvic.ca)) know any problems anytime! :) You can also reply to this message -- especially if there are any problems that are, or may be, not specific to just you -- that will be a followup post in hypernews. I'm sure you will find problems quickly, and we will do our very best to fix them very quickly as well!!!

 Thanks all!!!