
Telecon tomorrow (Tuesday Oct. 16) at the new regular time of *** 12:00 noon Eastern time (9 am Pacific, 18.00 European) ***.

Discussion items include the results of the successful telescope tracking test flight just the day before yesterday, plans for the next flight (a night flight in which we'll hopefully observe the source in real conditions for the first time), goniometric source calibration, nanosat design requirements, user experiences with the new website and hypernews, and flights beyond the upcoming flight.

Here's the dial-in info: If you are calling in from Canada or U.S.: 1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 866-740-1260 (U.S. & Canada) 2. Enter 7-digit access code: 5082741 followed by the #

If you are calling in from elsewhere:
1. To locate International Toll-Free Numbers go to
     http://www.readytalk.com/intl (enter 7-digit access code 5082741)
2. Dial toll free number from web link
3. Enter Passcode: Enter 7-digit ACCESS CODE: 5082741 followed by the #

Here's the tentative agenda:

I) Flight results and progress
   A) Results of the telescope tracking test flight (daytime flight this past Saturday)
   B) Preparation for next flight (night flight)
   C) New integrating spheres
   D) Mt. Hopkins (& beyond)
II)  Nanosat design requirements
III) Computing & website
IV)  Upcoming grant opportunities

 Talk to you all tomorrow!