I talked about the project to the Gaia representatives of the GBOT (Ground-Based Optical Tracking of Gaia) telescope network during the GBOG (Ground-Based Observations for Gaia) meeting in Heidelberg on 18-19 October 2012.

The GBOT telescope network has some overlap with the other Gaia telescope networks:

GSA - Gaia Science Alerts - for the verification (and later follow-up) of Gaia Science alerts based on sudden changes in magnitude.

FUN-SSO - Follow-Up Network for Solar System Objects.

It was agreed that it appears in principle very interesting to observe a nanosatellite for flux calibration from all these observatories. Both Project Altair and the coordination among Gaia networks is progressing, so I will keep the Gaia community updated on the nanosatellite until things are a bit more final.
