Michel Lefebvre Professor |
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Victoria Victoria, British Columbia, Canada |
ATLAS Collaboration, Expected Performance of the ATLAS Experiment, Detector, Trigger and Physics, CERN-OPEN-2008-020, Geneva, 2008. arXiv:0901.0512v1 [hep-ex].
J.-R. Lessard and M. Lefebvre, Search for narrow resonances (pp -> X -> ttbar) in the context of early ATLAS data, ATLAS internal note ATL-COM-PHYS-2008-099, 21 July 2008.
D.M. Gingrich et al. (ATLAS Hadronic End-cap Calorimeter Group), Construction, assembly and testing of the ATLAS hadronic end-cap calorimeter, ATLAS internal note ATL-LARG-PUB-2007-009, 15 April 2007. pdf.
B. Kehoe et al., The Liquid Argon Calorimeters Online Monitoring, ATLAS internal note ATL-LARG-INT-2005-002, 9 May 2005. pdf.
D. Axen et al., Signal Feedthroughs for the ATLAS Barrel and Endcap Calorimeters , ATLAS internal note ATL-LARG-2004-013, 15 December 2004. pdf.
C. Cojocaru et al., Muon Results from the EMEC/HEC Combined Run corresponding to the ATLAS Pseudorapidity region 1.6 < eta < 1.8 , ATLAS internal note ATL-LARG-2004-006, 29 June 2004. pdf.
D. Axen et al., Performance of the Signal Vacuum Cables of the Liquid Argon Calorimeter Endcap Cryostat Signal Feedthroughs, ATLAS internal note ATL-LARG-2003-007, 22 July 2003. pdf, ps.gz. Also ATL-AE-EN-0015, v. 1 ,04 July 2003. pdf, ps.gz
M. Dobbs and M. Lefebvre, Prospects for Probing the Three Gauge-boson Couplings in W + Z Production at the LHC , ATLAS internal note ATL-PHYS-2002-023, October 2002. pdf, ps.gz
M. Dobbs and M. Lefebvre, Prospects for Probing the Three Gauge-boson Couplings in W + Photon Production at the LHC , ATLAS internal note ATL-PHYS-2002-022, October 2002. pdf, ps.gz
B. Dowler et al. (ATLAS Liquid Argon HEC Collaboration), Performance of the ATLAS Hadronic End-Cap Calorimeter in Beam Tests , ATLAS internal note ATL-LARG-2001-019, October 2001. Also published in Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A482 (2002) 94-124. pdf, ps.gz
P. Poffenberger et al., ATLAS Endcap Signal Feedthrough Quality Assurance and Quality Control Document , ATLAS internal note ATL-AE-QA-0002, v. 4, 30 March 2001. pdf (52 MBytes!)
D. Fortin and M. Lefebvre, Performance of the ATLAS Hadronic Endcap Calorimeter Modules to Electrons and Pions from 1999 Beam Test Data , ATLAS internal note ATL-LARG-2001-010, HEC note 104, March 2001. pdf, ps.gz
M. Fincke-Keeler, M. Lefebvre and P. Poffenberger, Cabling of the Endcap Signal Feedthroughs , ATLAS internal note ATL-AE-AN-0001/0002, November 2000. pdf
M. Dobbs and M. Lefebvre, Unweighted Event Generation in Hadronic WZ Production of Order (alpha_s) , ATLAS internal note ATL-PHYS-2000-028, November 2000. (hep-ph/0011206). Also published in Physical Review D63, 053011, 2001. pdf, ps.gz
M. Lefebvre and D. O'Neil, contribution to "Top Physics" , M. Beneke, I. Efthymiopoulos, M.L. Mangano, J. Womersley et al., CERN-TH-2000-100, hep-ph/0003033, published in CERN-2000-04, G. Altarelli and M.L. Mangaro editors. pdf
M. Dobbs and M. Lefebvre, contribution to "Electroweak Physics" , S. Haywood, P.R. Hobson, W. Hollik, Z. Kunszt et al., CERN-TH-2000-102, hep-ph/0003275, published in CERN-2000-04, G. Altarelli and M.L. Mangano editors. pdf
B. Gonzalez-Pineiro, D. O'Neil, R. Brock, and M. Lefebvre, Measuring Vtb and the Polarization of Top Quarks and W Bosons via Boson Gluon Fusion at ATLAS , ATLAS internal note ATL-PHYS-2000-017, April 2000. pdf, ps.gz
D. O'Neil, B. Gonzalez-Pineiro and M. Lefebvre, Measuring Vtb via s-channel Single Top at ATLAS , ATLAS Scientific Note SN-ATLAS-2001-007, 27 June 2001, ATLAS internal note ATL-PHYS-99-011, August 1999. Also published in Journal of Physics G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 28 (2002) 2657-2667. pdf, ps.gz
M. Fincke-Keeler, R.K. Keeler and M. Lefebvre, Performance Requirements of the Signal Feedthrough Vacuum Cables , ATLAS internal note ATL-AE-EN-0002, June 1999. pdf, ps.gz
M. Lefebvre and D. O'Neil, Endcap Hadronic Calorimeter Offline Testbeam Software , ATLAS internal note ATL-LARG-99-002, HEC note 069, January 1999. pdf, ps.gz
M. Dobbs, M. Lefebvre and D. O'Neil, Hadronic Endcap Modules Zero, Pion and Electron Energy Scan Analysis from April 1998 Testbeam Data , ATLAS internal note ATL-LARG-99-001, HEC note 059, January 1999. pdf, ps.gz
M. Fincke-Keeler and M. Lefebvre, A Proposal for a Low Voltage Vacuum Cable Design for the HEC Feedthroughs in the ATLAS Endcap Cryostat , ATLAS internal note HEC 068, December 1998. pdf, ps.gz
M. Lefebvre and D. O'Neil, Hadronic Calorimeter Testbeam Software Framework. A proposal: The hec-adc Package , ATLAS internal note HEC-035, August 1997. pdf, ps.gz
A. Kiryunin, M. Lefebvre et al., Study of Optimum Integration Times for the ATLAS Hadronic End-Cap Calorimeter , ATLAS internal note CAL-NO-062, November 1994. pdf, ps.gz
T. Hodges et al., Mechanical Design of the ATLAS Hadronic End-Cap Calorimeter , ATLAS internal note ATL-CAL-94-060, November 1994. pdf, ps.gz
S. Robertson and M. Lefebvre, Further Testbeam Results on the Electron Energy Resolution of the Barrel Accordion Calorimeter Prototype , RD3 internal note 59, ATLAS internal note CAL-NO-049, August 1994. pdf, ps.gz
J. White and M. Lefebvre, Spatial Reconstruction of Electrons with a Cartesian Geometry Accordion Calorimeter , RD3 internal note 52, 10 January 1994.
M. Lefebvre, G. Parrour and P. Petroff, Electromagnetic Liquid Argon Accordion Calorimeter Simulation , RD3 internal note 41, 28 January 1993. pdf
M. Lefebvre, M. Pepe and G. Polesello, LAr Accordion Calorimeter Simulation , ATLAS internal note CAL-92-002, May 24, 1990. pdf