Michel Lefebvre research page Michel Lefebvre
University of Victoria Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Physics and Astronomy

Presentations at ATLAS meetings

First attempt at MMTB migration of LArMonToolBase suite, Calorimeter Monitoring Meeting, CERN, 31 July 2007. ppt, pdf.

Validating fully hadronic tops, Talk given by Keith Edmonds, Top meeting, Trigger and Physics week, CERN, 21 March 2007. ppt, pdf.

Optimal Jet Finder, Talk given by Damir Lelas, Jet/Tau/ETmiss Trigger and Combined Performance, Trigger and Physics week, CERN, 20 March 2007. ppt, pdf. Original figures from Michel ppt, pdf.

Top mass in t-tbar -> 6 jets: Status Report, Top meeting, CERN, 21 February 2007. ppt, pdf.

Possible code modifications for real online environment use of LArNoiseMonToolBase, Calorimeter Monitoring Meeting, CERN, 19 Septembre 2006. ppt, pdf.

Noise and correlation monitoring using LArNoiseMonToolBase, Phase3 Commissioning Expert Week, CERN, 06 June 2006. ppt, pdf, 08 June 2006. ppt, pdf.

Noise and correlation issues using LArNoiseMonToolBase, Phase3 Commissioning Analysis Meeting, CERN, 31 May 2006. ppt, pdf.

Status of LArNoiseMonToolBase derived tools, Phase3 Commissioning Analysis Meeting, CERN, 14 February 2006. ppt, pdf.

Status of LArNoiseMonToolBase derived tools, Online Monitoring Meeting, CERN, 18 January 2006. ppt, pdf.

LAr Noise Monitoring Tools Update, Online Monitoring Meeting, CERN, 14 December 2005. ppt, pdf.

LAr Noise Monitoring Tools, LAr Week, CERN, 14-18 November 2005. ppt, pdf.

LAr Noise Monitoring Software: Brief Status Report, LAr Online Software Meeting, CERN, 02 November 2005. ppt, pdf.

LAr Noise Monitoring Software: Brief Status Report, LAr Commissioning and Monitoring Workshop, CERN, 13-14 October 2005. ppt, pdf.

Noise file for EMEC-HEC 2002 data, H6 Combined Test EC2 Analysis Meeting, CERN, 25 July 2005. ppt, pdf.

Event Phase reconstruction, Combined Testbeam Meeting EC2: EMEC/HEC/FCAL, 07 September 2004. ppt, pdf.

Noise Characterization in HEC and EMEC, Combined Testbeam Meeting EC1: EMEC/HEC, CERN, 09 Septembre 2003. ppt, pdf.