Findeln [222 Kb]

One of the most classic views of the Matterhorn is from the tiny alpine village of Findeln, located on a hillside 435 meters above Zermatt. The 3.5 kilometer trail to Findeln climbs from Zermatt through a forest of larch, crossing over the tracks of the cogwheel train to Gornergrat on its way up. The trail breaks into open meadows about half a kilometer below Findeln.

Fiona and the Matterhorn [95 Kb]

From Findeln the Matterhorn is seen across the valley in its classic profile, standing high above Zermatt and surrounding peaks. Although I've never tried any, there are other trails leading in all directions from Findeln for further wandering. Findeln was the first walk I did in the Zermatt area, and we've returned to this easy walk several times since and in all seasons. Even when still covered with snow, the trail is often packed and covered with sawdust for easy walking. One last note - the hat you might see clinging out of reach on a steep hillside below the trail belongs to Fiona.

Zermatt Church Square Web Cams [139 Kb]

While on a visit to Zermatt in winter 2006, I told some family and friends to check the Zermatt Church Square Web Cam at 8 am PST (5 pm Zermatt time) where and when I hoped to be standing. I had also written a short script so that my computer would capture all the web cam shots on that day. I posed in front of the web cam a number of times during the day just be be sure that my image would be caught. When I returned to Zermatt from a walk to Findeln to meet my 5 pm appointment with the web cam, I was shocked to find that a large parade was converging at the same spot at exactly the same time. The Church Square was empty just minutes before, but packed with noisy paraders at the time I was expecting to be seen -- the best-laid plans of mice and men... Most who bothered to look were unable to see me, but I learned later that both my kids were able to pick me out from the crowd wearing my blue backpack and bright red fleece sweater.

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