» ATLAS Feedthroughs at Victoria
ATLAS Endcap Signal Feedthroughs
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The ATLAS liquid argon calorimetry is composed of a barrel section and
of two endcap sections. Each endcap cryostat contains an
electromagnetic calorimeter, two wheels of one hadronic endcap
calorimeter (HEC), and a forward calorimeter. The calorimeter signal
and calibration lines are routed to the outside of each endcap
cryostat via 25 feedthrough assemblies arranged approximately equally
spaced in azimuth. The low voltage needed to operate the endcap
hadronic calorimeter preamplifiers, which are located in the cold, are
also supplied via the signal feedthroughs as well as various
monitoring lines. The ATLAS group at the University of Victoria was
responsible for the construction of all endcap signal feedthroughs.
This $4.0M project was funded by an NSERC Major Installation Grant.
The specifications that drove the technical design of the feedthrough
assembly are quite complex. They involve geometrical and space
constraints in the cryostat design, physical limitations on the space
which is allocated to the feedthroughs, signal transmission quality,
vacuum integrity, heat loss considerations, access possibilities,
installation, reliability and cost issues.
The design is based on gold plated conductive pins insulated and
sealed by glass inserts in a stainless steel carrier. The carriers
are then welded into the cold and ambient (temperature) flanges. A
total of 1920 signal and calibration lines per feedthrough assembly is
required in the chosen design. The ambient and cold flanges are
connected by a bellows to isolate the feedthrough vacuum from the
cryostat inter-vessel vacuum. The cold flange is attached to a
transition piece, known as a funnel, which is welded to the cryostat
via a bi-metallic joint. The electrical signals are brought from the
calorimeter to the cold flange by coaxial kapton cables; these are
called pigtail cables. Cables located in the vacuum between the cold
and the ambient flange, i.e. inside the bellows, carry the signals
through the cryostat wall; these are called vacuum cables.
For each endcap, four feedthrough assemblies also carry the low
voltage for the HEC preamplifiers.
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