All feedthroughs installed on ECA
September 2003

All feedthrough are installed on the Endcap Cryostat A, but not all welded yet. Here are a few pictures from Fiona Holness!  

Standard type feedthrough being lowered into the chemney.

Victor putting bolt ring onto the feedthrough.

Standard feedthrough ready for installation.

Standard feedthrough being bolted onto the cryostat.

Superinsulation being put on the FCAL type feedthrough.

FCAL type feedthrough ready for installation.

FCAL type feedthrough ready for transport to the cryostat.

FCAL type feedthrough in mid-transport.

FCAL type feedthrough approaching the cryostat.

FCAL type feedthrough's pigtails insertion onto their position.

Protecting the FCAL type feedthrough pigtails during installation.

FCAL type feedthrough pigtails into bucket.