The Energy Frontier
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is an international collaboration of scientists who built
a particle detector that is now probing nature at the TeV energy scale, or,
equivalently, at the 0.0000000000000000001 m scale. ATLAS is currently studying proton
collisions at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV
provided by the
Large Hadron Collider,
at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics,
The particle physics group at the University of Victoria has been an
active member of the ATLAS Collaboration since its inception in
High Energy Particle Physics is the study of the fundamental
forces of nature which govern the interactions between radiation and
the ultimate constituents of matter. This study is, arguably, the
most fundamental amongst all the physical sciences and hence draws
much interest. The distance scale at which an experiment is able to
probe nature is related to the de Broglie wavelength h/p of
the probing particle of momentum p , where the universal
Planck constant h plays a pivotal role. Experiments of
higher energy, and ironically of larger size, are then usually
required to probe smaller scales of matter, and to recreate,
momentarily, the conditions that prevailed close in time to the
beginning of the Universe.
The laws of nature are governed by four fundamental
interactions: the strong, the electromagnetic, the weak, and the
gravitational interactions. For masses at the atomic and subatomic
scale, the gravitational interaction is extremely small and can
be ignored. The other three interactions are described by the
Standard Model. The electromagnetic and weak interactions have
been unified and the resultant electroweak interaction is
described by the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (GSW) model. The theory
of strong interactions is described by Quantum Chromodynamics
(QCD). Together the GSW model and QCD form the Standard Model.
These interactions are transmitted by specific fields or
particles which are equivalent concepts in relativistic quantum
field theory. It now appears that the strong forces are
transmitted by massless spin 1 gluons, while the weak forces are
transmitted by massive spin 1 W and Z bosons discovered at
CERN by the UA1 and UA2 experiments. |
Despite the Standard Model's spectacular success it fails to provide
answers to a number of fundamental questions, the most obvious ones
concerning the origin of the values of particle mass, the number of
quark and lepton families, the origin of the charged weak current
mixing angles, and the origin of CP violation. What lies beyond the
Standard Model? Is supersymmetry realised in nature?
The Large Hadron Collider is now in operation and is CERN's most advanced accelerator.
This 27 km accelerator, coupled
to the existing CERN complex, will soon provide high luminosity
proton-proton collisions at a centre of mass energy of 14 TeV.
This will allow physicists, for the first time, to probe the laws of
nature at the TeV scale, revealing, it is expected, clues of the
origins of mass and evidence for new symmetries and new forces in
nature. The LHC has produced 2.36 TeV proton-proton collisions on December 7th 2009,
an energy world record. It is operating at 7 TeV proton-proton collisions since March 30th 2010.
ATLAS is one
of two multipurpose detectors designed to harvest the physics discovery
potential of the LHC by reconstructing the products of the proton-proton
collision event by event. The design, construction and commissioning
of the ATLAS detector is an enourmous challenge, and components were developed and constructed around the world.
The detector assembly is now completed in the ATLAS cavern, 100 m under the ground, and is currently
successfully recording the first LHC collisions.
The ATLAS collaboration's effort started in 1992. Over 3000 physicists from 37 countries are members of ATLAS.
Canada is investing important human and monetary resources into ATLAS and
the LHC. Canada has been part of the ATLAS effort from its inception.
The ATLAS-Canada collaboration now involves over 150 scientists, technicians
an engineers, including 41 grant eligible physicists from institutions
across Canada. Canada's contribution to ATLAS focuses on liquid argon
calorimetry, a crucial part of the ATLAS detector, which allows the
measurement of the energy of most particles produced in a collision.
The related hardware projects were funded by Major Installation Grants
from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada,
NSERC , with continued
support from
TRIUMF, Canada's National
Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics .