Cat Peak and Mount Carrie [190 Kb]

We broke camp at Heart lake and climbed the remaing 100 meters up to High Divide, where we turned east and followed the trail toward Cat Peak and Mount Carrie. The trail continues along High Divide, contouring below the slopes of Cat Peak before coming to an abrupt end along a sheer rock cliff. This would be the last section of established trail on the Crisler Traverse until reaching the Elwha Basin, several days away. A short but steep climb from the trail's end brought us to the ridge crest and the Cat Walk, a steep, narrow, bushy arête between Cat Peak and Mount Carrie.

Mount Olympus [190 Kb]

After negotiating the Cat Walk, we reached Boston Charlie's camp, named for a nineteenth century Clallam Indian and maternal uncle of the early Olympic explorer Billy Everett. We set up camp 2 at Boston Charlie's, and then continued with light packs to ascend 2132 meter Mount Carrie. Although the climb is relatively easy, Mount Carrie is quite rugged, with large glaciers on it's northern flanks. The views from the summit are excellent. Along with the views of the mountains, however, we also had a clear view of the foul weather quickly moving in on us. We had a pretty good idea we'd be spending day 3 stuck at Boston Charlie's...

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