Camp 2 [264 Kb]

As expected, we were greeted with wet and dreary weather on day 3. Travel beyond Boston Charlie's Camp involves significant route finding, and much of the way traverses steep meadows and scree below Mount Carrie, very difficult if the meadows are wet. Continuing on the Crisler Traverse would have to wait a day while we waited out the storm at Boston Charlie's Camp. We were joined at our bivouac by an extended family of molting mountain goats, who showed no signs of fear at all. The younger goats make their presence known by periodically tripping over the tent's guy-lines during the night.

Mountain Goats [316 Kb]

Boston Charlie's Camp can be a pretty miserable place when the weather is socked in. Situated at the east end of the Cat Walk, there is little room to roam and explore while waiting out a rain storm. A small muddy snowmelt pond sits on the ridge crest, but we opted to take water from the several snow fields still in the area. While tentbound, during the heaviest rainfalls, I found myself counting the tiny squares in the ripstop nylon of the tent ceiling. We were so bored, we spent an hour carefully laying flat rocks around the tent at the drip line to prevent mud from splattering onto the tent. When we turned in that night, we had high hopes that day 4 would bring a change for better in the weather.

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