Bailey Range [359 Kb]

The weather was still wet and socked in when we woke up. After lunch, we walked up higher on the slopes of Mount Carrie to gain a better view. While there, the clouds that we had been engulfed in for the last two days started to break. We wasted no time returning to dismantle our camp and continue on our way. The next several kilometers beyond Boston Charlie's Camp along the Crisler Traverse are slow going, mostly traversing steep meadows and scree. Route finding is also important; steep cliffs impede travel if one gets too high, steep gullies if too low.

Camp 3 [280 Kb]

Having left camp 2 at Boston Charlie's only by afternoon, and with very few prospective camp spots before reaching the level terrain above Cream Lake, we only traveled about 2.5 km before establishing camp 3. Nonetheless, it was a real pleasure to be away from the dreariness of Boston Charlie's. Camp 3 was in a beautiful location, on an open meadow with a great view across the Hoh Valley to Mount Olympus. I woke up and exited the tent in the middle of the night to one of my most memorable mountain views - the sky was clear, but clouds had completely filled the Hoh Valley to a level just below our camp. In the moonlight; it appeared one could walk atop the clouds all the way across to Mount Olympus. I looked forward to day 5 and another great day of hiking.

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