Low Divide [429 Kb]

Day 7 of our Crisler Traverse was another long one. After breaking camp at Low Divide, we started up the Skyline Ridge trail, some of which is little more than a route. The highest point along the trail is only about 1600 meters, but the considerable elevation gain and loss over the length of the trail made it a real grind. The hot and muggy weather and the long hike the previous day didn't help. The scenery along the Skyline Ridge trail was very different from that we encountered along the Bailey Range, with less snow, more forest, and no big peaks nearby. We were passed by a lone hiker while we were stopped for a lunch break, and later in the day we encounted him again when he stopped for tea. He was also hiking the Crisler Traverse, and had followed our footsteps in the snow back along the crest of the Bailey Range. We agreed to finish the hike together.

Spur ridge along Skyline Ridge [363 Kb]

We lost the route briefly along the way, and also stumbled across a downed helicopter. Near evening we reached Kimta Peak, the high point along the Skyline Ridge trail, and stopped to watch the sunset and admire the view. We could tell from the clouds that the weather was about to change for the worse; day 8 would be a wet one. We found no level ground near Kimta on which to make camp. It wasn't until after dark that we finally found a suitable spot to set up camp 6, which was to be our last.

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