Minutes and slides of local HEC meetings

This area provides links to minutes and slides of local HEC meetings.
Victoria, June 12, 2001
M. Wielers (presented by C. Oram), Which release to use?, ppt
C. Oram, Notes on schedules, text
M. Fincke, hec_adc web based road map, ppt
E. Muzzerall, PSpice simulations, ppt
D. Axen, Importing CERN software, ps

TRIUMF, May 23, 2001
M. Lefebvre, HEC beam test software, ppt or jpg
N. Kanaya, Read EPIO data in C++, ps or ps.gz
D. Axen, Importing CERN software, jpg
R. Sobie, HEC beam test OO software and Grid research, ppt
M. Wielers, Athena for combined testbeam?, ppt

Victoria, May 8, 2001

Internal notes and ideas