Michel Lefebvre research page Michel Lefebvre
University of Victoria Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Physics and Astronomy


14.1.0.Y noise monitoring on FDR events noise monitoring on commissioning data noise monitoring on FDR events

OJF working slides
2007/03/19: Fully hadronic ttbar sample results, ppt, pdf.
2007/03/15: OJF notes, ppt, pdf.

Notes on fully hadronic t-tbar decay analysis: toolKineFit
2007/03/10 version 2.02: Fit pull values available. Jet energy resolution set to 100%/sqrt(E(GeV)) with a 10% constant term.
A few root macros to perform the fit:
utilIndex.h: set the parton labeling convention
toolKineFit.h: define global variables and functions; define toolKineFit class
toolKineFit.C: implement toolKineFit class
loadKineFit.C: load the code for the example. In root type .x loadKineFit.C
runKineFit.C: a simple example on how to use the fit (both types) on one jet hypothesis. In root type runKineFit();
2007/02/10 version 2.01: Now includes two types of fit:
Type 0: only vary energy of jets (6 parameters)
Type 1: vary energy, eta and phi of jets (18 parameters)
utilIndex.h, toolKineFit.h, toolKineFit.C, loadKineFit.C, runKineFit.C
2007/02/07 version 2.00: utilIndex.h, toolKineFit.h, toolKineFit.C, loadKineFit.C, runKineFit.C
2007/02/05 Version 1.00 pdf, toolKineFit.h, toolKineFit.C, loadKineFit.C, runKineFit.C

2005/05/26 EMEC-HEC noise files
Results presented on 2005/07/25 at the H6 combined test beam meeting.
Noise file produced from muon runs 13182, 13187, 13204, 13184, 13186, 13188, 13211, 13212: H6_2002NoiseMuons.dat
Noise file produced from muon run 13188: H6_2002Noise13188.dat

2004/08/14 EMEC-HEC time phase monitoring
The signal phase can now be reconstructed using the two TDC channels reserved for this. Here are a few monitoring figures:
run 696, 120 GeV e+, hitting the HEC (above the EMEC), pdf
run 768, 80 GeV e+, hitting the EMEC, pdf
run 831, 120 GeV pi+, hitting the HEC (above the EMEC), pdf
run 857, 120 GeV pi+, hitting the EMEC, pdf