Soleduck Falls [207 Kb]

The first day on the trail of our Crisler Traverse was spent hiking up the Soleduck River from the trailhead 11 kilometers to Heart Lake. The 870 meter elevation gain was more of a burden than usual with a pack weighing in at nearly 30 kg. Soleduck falls, one of the highlights of this forest trail, is reached just beyond the first kilometer. A trail junction is passed at about seven kilometers; the trail to the left leads up to Appleton Pass which I would return to in 1997 during an alpine traverse to Cat Basin and on to Seven Lakes Basin. Shortly after the junction, the trail starts its ascent to the open meadows around Heart Lake, situated just below High Divide. On a small knoll just above Heart Lake, we set up our camp 1 and prepared for day 2 of the hike.

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